
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Architectural Design / Architectural Practice / Architectural & Urban History & Theory students

Ollie Palmer project 2013
Architectural Design and Architectural & Urban History & Theory are aimed at designers, historians and theorists of architecture. In practice, there is considerable overlap and engagement between the two programmes, both of which consist of a dynamic group of around 90 innovative doctoral students. 

These programmes have a diverse body of students, half of which are international. Many are funded by their home governments or by UCL, one of the UK research councils, or another funding body such as the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Current students 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z






Image: The disorder of order - Omar Abolnaga (2022)


Omar Abolnaga

Demystifying ʿAshwaʾiyyat: A Critique of the Discourse around Cairene Urban Informality



Moscow skyline © Victor Chekmenev / Lori Photobank


Alena Agafonova

Post-soviet housing design in Russia: The conception of home defined by norms and regulations



image: Sarah Akigbogun


Sarah Akigbogun
Beyond Urban Tragedy: Exploring Race, Gender and the City. Using storytelling in film and performance to illuminate experiences of spaces of Oppression and Liberation in Architecture



Image: Photo by Fawzeyah Alsabah

Fawzeyah Alsabah
Her West End: The Experience of Women in London’s West End Department Stores, 1900 to 1980

Image: Golden Lane Estate, Fann St (Abdullah Aldabbous)

Abdullah Ahmed Aldabbous
The Case of Affordable Housing Provision in the Square Mile



Image: ‘A Night at the Cotton Club’, diagrams by Vasilis Aronidis, 2017 

Vasilis Aronidis
Musical Event as ‘Synecdoche’ of Interrelated Sound and Spatial Parameters: Composing Sound and Space in Harlem in the 1920s-1930s




Petri dish with coloured sand

Richard Beckett

Bioaugmented Design: Designing the Indoor Environment



“Purépecha altar for the Saint of the Miracles, Parícutin volcano, Mexico, 2018”.


Olivier Bellflamme

An Architect in the Footsteps of Ethnographer Carl Lumholtz



Image: Jhono Bennett


Jhono Bennett

Spatial Praxis in the Post-Post Apartheid City: A Southern Urbanist reflection on spatial design practice in Johannesburg, South Africa.



Image: Laurence Blackwell-Thale

Laurence Blackwell-Thale

Beyond Relief: Creating a New Datum for Inhabiting the Contemporary Mountain



Marie-Gabriel Veugny, 1849, A.S.M.J.R.A. l’Empereur d’Autriche. Cité ouvrière d’un arrondissement de Paris. Plans, coupes, élévations et détails, ‘Vue d’ensemble de la cité d’un des Arrondissements de Paris’. Paris, Bibliothèque des Arts Décoratifs

Oliver Brax
Housing Savages. Moral Reform in French Workers’ Housing, 1848-1889





DIY skate spot, Jamaica Plains, Boston. Credit: Thom Callan-Riley

Thom Callan-Riley

“How beautiful it can be”: Exploring Collective Memory and Collective Imagination in Skateboarding



Renée Gailhoustet, Le Liégat, structure H, 1977 © Collection Frac Centre-Val de Loire

Paola Camasso
Everyday architectural logics: Female Brutalist architects and the project of logical architecture, 1953 – 1986. 



William Victor Camilleri, Object VI: The Gardener’s War and the Seed’s Renunciation of Nature. (Photograph by Frederik Petersen)


William Victor Camilleri

The Struggle for Existence


Niccolò Casas

Niccolò Casas

Digital Decadence - The aesthetics of Ugliness in the age of digital architecture



Image: Chishan Sluice completed in 1936 in Jurong County, Jiangsu Province (photo by Yichuan Chen)

Yichuan Chen
Constructing Chinese Modernity: Concrete in China, 1880-1990



Mollie Claypool




Asha (Ting) Ding

Affective Computing Based On Gait Recognition and Artificial Neural Network in Architectural Built Environment



Killuan Doherty

Killian O’Dochartaigh

Decolonizing architectural practice: exploring dwelling and distinction within the (development) landscapes of Rwanda



Image: Mapocho River in Chile - a trickle of discoloured water in a dry riverbed under a blue sky, with tall glass buildings in the background.. Photo by Isabelle Donetch

Isabelle Donetch
The Voices of the River. Fluvial Imaginaries of the Mapocho River as Elements of Urban Identity





Olivia Duncan
An Indigenous Model? Inclusive and Culturally Sensitive Participatory Practices in Urban Development in UAE



Image: Kirti Durelle, based on Michel Raunet, Le milieu physique et les sols de l’île de La Réunion (1991).

Kirti Durelle
Landscape and relations of production in La Réunion (1663-1863)



Image: Tom Dyckhoff


Tom Dyckhoff
Visions of Britain: Television, the city and its architecture




Pol Esteve




Image: Composition by Daniyal Farhani, The Changing Fragments, digital, 2022

Daniyal Farhani

Acupuncture for a Disciplined Urban Realm: The Case of Sanyuanli Urban Village, Guangzhou



Central Hill Development, Norwood, Architect’s model of the proposed development of the Central Hill area of Upper Norwood into high density housing, photograph by Eric de Mare, Ref. SP19/184/Cen.1, Date: c. 1970, Lambeth Archives: borough photographs.

Christiane Felber

Modern Arts and Crafts. Council Housing in Lambeth 1965-1980

Image: Mannan Foundation Trust & Our Building Design, Photo of a bamboo building workshop with the Rajapur community

Tumpa Husna Yasmin Fellows
Improvised architectural responses to the changing climate; making, sharing and communicating design processes


‘CLOTHO’ box with backstrap loom (wood and cotton, 2019). Designed and Photographed by: Fernando P. Ferreira

Fernando P. Ferreira
Factory of Stories: Weaving counter-narratives for Vale do Ave.




Clemency Gibbs - scaffolding on building facade


Clemency Gibbs

Façadism in London: 1970- present



Naomi Gibson (2020) Scene of a meeting


Naomi Gibson

Speaking to Design: Verbal Interpretations and Architectural Invention



Image: Felix Graf


Felix Graf

Adaption of specific tree elements for furniture making: The role of embodied knowledge within the processes of design and manufacture




Image: Xiang Peng 象棚 (A Contemporary Interpretation of the Song-dynasty Zaju). Venue: The Bauhaus Museum Dessau. Co-Directed by Zhenhang Hu, Photo by Zhenhang Hu

Zhenhang Hu

Reoccurring Communitas: Phoenix Hill Urban Theatre







Image: Knitted Anamnesis by Nikoletta Karastathi


Nikoletta Karastathi
Sympoietic Eco-Plexis: A Post-digital Approach Towards Ecologically-Crafted Textile Architectures



Image: Rían Kearney and Intervention Architecture, The Club’s Conception (or How the Egg Was Cracked). Installation shot at Recent Activity, 2019. Photo: John Fallon


Rían Kearney

Queer Space Archive: Tracing Birmingham’s LGBTQ+ Venues from Memory, 1966-1987



Image: Tanjina Khan

Tanjina Khan 
Sustainable Adaptive Reuse of Urban Residential Built Form: A Study of Contemporary Practices and Potentials in Dhaka  



There or Thereabouts, by Paul King

Paul King

Codifying and fabricating an invisible architecture




Towards a ludic interpretation of cities and architecture: Transposing protests into allegorical worlds in video game


Mike Kwok
Towards a Ludic Interpretation of Cities and Architecture: Transposing Protests into Allegorical Worlds in Video Game



Dionysia Kypraiou






Image: Micrograph of photosynthetic gametopgytes, Alexandra Lacatusu


Alexandra Lăcătușu

Design with Bryophytes: biotic exchanges and environmental benefits of moss growth on urban bioreceptive surfaces



Image: Adarsh Lanka

Adarsh Lanka
Cement in India: A Material(ist) History (Bombay, 1920s – 1990s


A collection of wooden chairs and bound planks of wood arranged in a kitchen space in front of a fireplace and table with various food jars.

Xiuzheng Li
Understanding the Communal Kitchen as An Infrastructure of Care



Image: The Matchmaking Corner at Shanghai People's Park, 2022, Zijiao Li


Zijiao (Luci) Li
Racing Towards Modernity: The Role of Chinese Racecourses in Shaping Urbanism, Culture, and Identity since 1840

Image: Yiming Liu

Yiming Liu
Not So Difficult, Not So (De)Colonial: Postcolonial Heritage in Shanghai since 1949



“Three Slideshows”, Rebecca Loewen, 2017

Rebecca Loewen

How to Isolate Inframince for Architectural Design




Attending Spaces, by Elin Eyborg Lund. A person in red construction gear, walking away from the camera, through a construction site.

Elin Eyborg Lund
Attending Spaces: Movement Performances as Activators in the Construction Process




Image: Ishimoto Yasuhiro, Yoyogi Gymnasium by Tange Kenzo Collection of The Museum of Art, Kochi © Kochi Prefecture, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Photo Center

Duy Mac

Writing the Liberal Script, Designing the International Society: Postwar Liberalism and Japanese Architecture, 1949-1995



Image: Bespoke Bricks by Mengdi Mao

Mengdi Mao
Limited Bespoke: The Architecture of Freeform Vaults with Interlocking Blocks



Image: Ad-herence in-Heritance, by Martin, B. 2021

Bea Martin
Speculative Assemblies – Drawing as a Kit-of-Parts



Construction 001 – Sketch for a Spatialised Score, by Emma-Kate Matthews


Emma-Kate Matthews

Spatiosonic Constructs: Exploring Reciprocities in Architecture and Music



Image: Photo by Ana Mayoral Moratilla


Ana Mayoral Moratilla

Power Construction and Architectural Reconstruction. The case of Madrid’s Ciudad Universitaria



The Overgrown Stage by Hamish Muir (acrylic on paper, 2014) Copyright: Hamish Muir


Hamish Muir

Ecological Playwriting in the Theatre Industry






Keeley, T. (2022). Alternative Arrangement #4: Claí na Muice Duibhe, Corr na Péiste, Co. Mhuineacháin (Black Pig’s Dyke, Cornapaste, Co. Monaghan).


Tom Ó Caollaí

Alternative Arrangements: A Topography Along and Across the Irish Borderlands



Archival photographs of La Vedette: photographs by Jean-Eugène Durand. ©Ministère de la Culture


Aisling O'Carroll
Reconstructing Reconstructions: A Stratigraphic Practice of Landscape and Historiography

Image: Disobedient Dollhouse No.1, 2023, Photography by Sophie Percival.

Daniel Ovalle Costal
A Canon of Queer Domesticity: Design Fabulations






The HeartBit Walks, Flow Architecture, 2018

Annarita Papeschi

Transindividual Urbanism: Novel Territories of Participatory Practices



A collection of identity, hanging on a wall of a Chinese courtyard house: two signages for a home business, a board listing the names of family living in a household (an obligation to put up in every Chinese house during the New Order regime)

Feysa Poetry
Contesting Postcolonial Identity: Ethnicity and Heritage in Java’s Port Town of Lasem



Image: Kanikkarans moving across 25 odd kilometres of steep hills, dense rain forest and wild elephant territory, lugging produce on their heads from their forest villages to sell it at a local market. 

Divya Priyesh Shah
Ecological and Place-Sensibilities in the Forest Villages of a Monsoon Biome, The Western Ghats Mountains, India


‘Testing a Lock’, Zoë Quick


Zoë Quick

Gwlana | WWoolgathering: Gathering ‘Residual Culture’ in Debate Over Welsh Upland Land-use




Image: Public domain / Brazilian National Archives Collection


Patricia Rodrigues Ferreira da Silva
After the Future: Architecture and the Military Regime in Brazil




Institutional and international delegation walking on the new bed of the Arroyo Bruno, diverted by Cerrejón 2019. Photo by Diana Salazar.


Diana Paola Salazar Morales

Co-producing an environmental history of La Guajira: Building solidarity through decolonising narratives

Larkin Administration Building


Petra Seitz

Where Do You Cry in an Open Plan Office? Labour Process Theory and Commercial Office Interiors

Collective Intelligence in Strategic Health Planning


Alexandru Senciuc

A Simulation Framework to Form Collective Intelligence in Strategic Health Infrastructure Planning

Sympoietic Alliance by Ram Shergill


Ram Shergill

The Critical Posthuman Carapace: Constructing Exoskeletal Hybrid Living Systems (EHLS)


Climactic Landscape Detail, Rocco Pisana

Wiltrud Simbürger

An Enquiry into Climate and Atmosphere in the Architecture of the Late Renaissance



Image: Unsurfacing the Strata of Ikeda (detail), Sayan Skandarajah

Sayan Skandarajah
Parallel Projection and the Political Gaze in Early Modern Kyoto

Image: Elin Söderberg, 2022

Elin Söderberg
A Tree is Not a Forest - A Proposal for a Reforestation of the Contemporary Architectural Imagination




Image courtesy of Claire Tunnacliffe.

Claire Malaika Tunnacliffe

Queer Practices of Place Making: Exploring how LGBTQI+ activists in London make place 



Image: ‘Earth Skin’ in situ during field recording experiments - Ontario, Canada, 2023 (Photo: Jonathan Tyrrell)

Jonathan Tyrrell

Architecture’s Acoustic Shadow: Unsettling the Sound/Space Relationship







Hangchuan Wei
MIBE: Microbiome Informatics of Built Environment

Image by Anna Wild

Anna Wild

The Way of All Built Flesh: Translations on a Workspace



Henrietta Williams




Image: Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany: Elevation (1977-1984), James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds, Canadian Centre for Architecture


Katerina Zacharopoulou

Designing for Amusement: From the Intention to the Interpretation of Architectural Humour in Post-Modern Britain



Image: Thales Alenia Space

Nona Zakoyan
Advancing Multiplanetary/Space Architecture - Space-Time Variable

Past students



  • Popi Iacovou

    On Movement as a Principle for Spatial Construction
  • Ersi Ioannidou

    The (Existenz-) Minimum Dwelling