Zoom allows you to collaborate through online video meetings.
Changes to Zoom licensing for staff
From 3 July 2024 newly created Zoom accounts for staff will be unlicensed by default. Staff accounts that haven't hosted a meeting between January and 3 July 2024 will have been de-licensed. An unlicensed account can't be added as alternative host.
- Staff who currently have a Zoom account and need to attend but not host meetings will be given an unlicenced account. This will allow them to join meetings.
- Staff who need to host a meeting of longer than 40 minutes or start a meeting as an alternative host, will need to request a licence from the Software Hub.
There is no change to the process for licences for students.
Zoom is a video conferencing tool which allows you to create and hold online video meetings with the capability to share screens, collaborate and breakout your meeting into smaller groups.
The ISD recommended tool for online meeting and staff collaboration in most circumstances remains Microsoft Teams however it is recognised that Zoom is required for some specific use cases..See below for information on choosing the correct tool for your needs and further information on how to use Zoom.
Getting started
- How to install Zoom
- Set up a new Zoom account
- Request a staff Zoom licence
- How to log in to Zoom
- How to log in to UCL Zoom if you also have a non-UCL Zoom account
More features in Zoom
- Making the most of your Zoom meeting
- Screen sharing in a Zoom meeting
- Chat
- Sound in your meeting
- Video in your meeting
- Raise hand in your meeting
- Telephone dial in to a meeting
- Breakout rooms
- Create a Zoom meeting from Moodle
- Adding and sharing your pronouns
- Zoom Advanced Polling and Quizzes
- AI Companion
Account configuration
Zoom meeting basics
- Join a meeting from the Zoom app
- Join a meeting from your browser
- Schedule a meeting
- Schedule a meeting for an alternative host
- Disabling third party app participation in Zoom
Zoom webinar and large meetings
- Zoom webinar
- Large meetings and teaching events
- Request a webinar or large meeting licence
- Planning a webinar
Recording and sharing
Policies and procedures
Get help
Zoom website (external)