
Information Services Division


Recording in Zoom

Recording sessions in Zoom can be useful if you are running an event which some participants cannot attend.

If you choose to record an event, you must ensure that you advise attendees prior to recording of the purpose of the recording and where it will be made available. 

The default location to store your recording is in the Zoom cloud. If you have a requirement to record to your local device you can amend your settings to allow this. Please consider the following if you do choose to record locally:

  • the security of your device should mean that unauthorised access is prevented
  • if your device fails part way through the session, the recording may be lost; and
  • the recording will not be backed up by default.

If you choose cloud recording this will record:

  • active speaker with shared screen
  • gallery view with shared screen
  • audio only; and
  • meeting chat.

If you wish your teaching events to be copied to Lecturecast for students to view through Moodle please see the Lecturecast Resource Centre for information about how to opt in to Lecturecast auto-ingestion.

If you edit a recording, you must do so in a way that any views expressed are not misrepresented and the recording remains factually accurate.

Under GDPR, a person must be informed prior to any event/meeting that a recording will be created and that this is in the legitimate interest of UCL. Zoom automatically informs that a recording will occur, however it is advisable that hosts or organisers ensure any external presenters have been informed prior to the event/meeting taking place.

A person has the right to object and not be recorded and also has the right to withdraw consent at any time. Where objections are raised after the event/meeting, you should send the request to the data protection team. They will consider the request and, where appropriate, ensure that the recording is either edited or deleted, including any identifiers.

If a recording includes third party footage (for example, a clip from a television programme) you must ensure that you have the correct copyright in place if the recording is published outside of the UCL domain. If this is not in place, the clip should be edited from the recording.

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