
Information Services Division


Schedule a meeting for an alternative host

This guide explains how to schedule a meeting for an alternative host and the licenses required.

This guide is aimed at

  • Staff
  • Students

Changes to licensing

From 3 July 2024 newly created Zoom accounts for staff will be unlicensed by default. Staff accounts that haven't hosted a meeting between January and 3 July 2024 will have been de-licensed. An unlicensed account can't be added as alternative host.

If you are scheduling classes for tutors, or need to set up a meeting that a colleague will start as an alternative host, the alternative host will also need to be licensed before you can add them. If you see the error "only paid users can be added" you need to ask your colleague to request a licence using the link below. The process asks the requestor to sign into their account after about an hour, which will update the status of their account from basic to licensed. You won't be able to add them as an alternative host until they have done this.

Alternative hosts will need to be licensed before they can start a meeting.

There is no change to the process for licences for students.

A staff Zoom licence can be requested via the Software Hub using the button below.

Software Hub



Adding an alternative host

  1. If you are logged in to the Zoom app, click on the schedule icon. If you are logged in via a browser, click on schedule a meeting on the top menu, or meetings and then schedule a New Meeting.
  2. Once you have opened the meeting scheduler, fill in your meeting details

    Tip: See our guidance on choosing settings for your meeting 

  3. Click to show options and add the alternative host. If you see the error "only paid users can be added" you need to ask your colleague to request a licence using the software hub button above.

  4. Once you have set up your meeting as required, click on schedule to schedule your meeting.

How to guides

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