Trainees are on clinical placements in NHS settings throughout training. This section contains resources and information related to placements for trainees, supervisors and course staff.
- Overview of Placement Paperwork
Please see below for an overview of the paperwork required for submission on both a 1 year placement and a 6 month placement. All paperwork is submitted to the Electronic Trainee File System (ETFS).
For paperwork deadlines, please see Placement dates for all trainee cohorts
Paperwork expected to be uploaded is also indicated on the ETFS, under each respective placement.
Any queries should be directed to the Clinical Placements Coordinator
Paperwork for a six-month placement period and schedule for submission
responsible for
uploading to the ETFSWhen
Placement contract
Submitted within 4 weeks of the start of the placement. Should be signed by both trainee and supervisor, scanned-in and uploaded to the ETFS (Note: Part C of previous EPR needs appending to the contract, signed to show your new supervisor has read this)
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
About mid-way through the placement (January/early February for Autumn-Spring placements; late June/early July for Summer placements)
MPR visitors should pass a copy of the completed form to both supervisor and trainee within 2 weeks of the review taking place. Trainee to upload when content has been agreed
Clinical portfolo
The log of clinical experience should be available for inspection at the MPR
A final version of the portfolio should be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement
MPR-EPR form at the point of EPR
The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
Supervisor Authentication of Clinical Experiences Undertaken on Placement
This signed document should be submitted along with the completed portfolio. This document must be uploaded to ETFS under the slot labelled for this form for the relevant placement.
Paperwork for a one-year placement and schedule for submissionFor the purposes of the Examination Board, trainees on a one-year placement are undertaking two 6-month placement periods. This means a slightly different pattern of paperwork, as follows:
Variations from the standard set of paperwork detailed above
Placement contract
If the work to be undertaken throughout the year does not change significantly, only one contract is needed
In placements where the work changes significantly at the six-month point, a second contract should be submitted
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
The yearlong version of the MPR-EPR form should be used on yearlong placements. This form should be completed at both MPRs (completing only the relevant sections) and uploaded to ETFS.
Clinical portfolio
The log should be available for each MPR meeting. One copy should be uploaded to the file system half-way through the placement, and the final copy, along with the signed supervisors authentication form, should be submitted at the end of the placement.
MPR-EPR form at
the mid-point of the
yearlong placementTrainee and supervisor complete the relevant sections of the yearlong MPR-EPR form at the mid-point of the placement (i.e .at the end of the first 6 months). If there are concerns about a trainee’s progress on the placement, supervisors should also complete the “Form for registering concern regarding trainee progression on placement”
MPR-EPR form at
the end of the
yearlong placement in the final EPRSupervisors and trainees update the yearlong MPR-EPR form in advance of the EPR meeting. The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
- Monitoring Clinical and Placement Progression
Benchmarking placement evaluation across the three years
Expectations of a trainee's performance change as they progress through training. This section outlines criteria that can be used to benchmark these expectations
- Overview of procedures used to monitor training
This section outlines the procedures used to monitor placements, including the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) and the End of Placement Review. - Format and content of the mid placement review
This section describes the content and structure of the MPR visit, and gives full details of the areas the placement visitor will cover.
- Forms for the MPR and EPR
There is one form that is used for both the MPR and the EPR. There is one version of the form for 6 month placements and one version for yearlong placements. These are found below:
Prior to the MPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainees complete the form. They send this completed form to the MPR visitor prior to the MPR meeting.
This document provides a brief overview of the content of the MPR meeting and is a guide for MPR visitors conducting these meetings:
UCL DClinPsy instructions for college visitors conducting MPRs
Prior to the EPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainee update the form that was completed at MPR. After the EPR meeting the form is uploaded to the UCL system by the trainee.
This brief video explains the MPR and EPR process
For supervisors of third year trainees in their final placement on training, there is a one page form to complete in August of the final placement. This is because the exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the MPR-EPR form will not normally have been complete This one-page form allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement.
For trainees, there is an optional one page form that they can complete after the EPR has taken place. The form allows them to provide comment on any formative or summative feedback received at the EPR.
UCL DClinPsy Trainee comments on supervisors feedback at EPR form
Finally, below is a link to a narrated powerpoint that will guide you in detail through the MPR and EPR process:
MediaCentral Widget Placeholder - Procedures for Managing Concerns about Trainees on Placement
Normally placements run smoothly. However, occasionally, there are times when concerns arise in relation to a trainee's progression.
There are clear course procedures on how to register concerns in any of these domains.- Procedures for Managing Concerns about Supervision on Placement
- Practice-Based Evidence
Here you can find tools used for calculating and recording reliable and clinical change.
- Clinical Portfolio
Portfolio of Clinical Experience
The Portfolio of Clinical Experience helps trainees to maintain a systematic record of the clinical work they are undertaking in each placement, and building into a cumulative training record that applies across the whole course. At the end of each placement the supervisor needs to sign a form confirming that the portfolio is an accurate record.
A full description of the portfolio can be found in Section 16 of the Training Handbook. This describes the portfolio itself, the way it is used, and includes examples of how to complete each section.
Section D of the Cumulative Training Record (previously denoted as the Reflective Practice Log) helps trainees to identify their progression through training in relation to the HCPC and BPS accreditation criteria. It sets out the contexts in which trainees need to work as well as the competences they need to develop.
- Download Section D of the Cumulative Training Record master matrix (which includes hyperlinks to descriptions of competences)
- Download a blank template for Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
- Download an example of a completed Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
Supervisor's Confirmation of Experiences Recorded in the Record
As above, at the end of each placement period the supervisor should review the log and submit the 'authentication of clinical experience' form to college.
- Client Consent Forms
- Client Feedback Questionnaires
This section contains client feedback forms to be used with clients on clinical placement. Trainees may also use, if appropriate, service developed questionnaires.
- Rating Scales for Structured Observation
UCL have developed two rating scales to help supervisors and trainees undertake structured observation. The first focuses on competence in the application of generic therapy skills; the second focuses on CBT therapy skills.
For each scale there is:
A brief information sheet:A scoring sheet:
Scoring Sheet - Generic Therapy SkillsScoring Sheet - CBT Competencies
A rating scale:
Rating Scale for Generic Therapy Skills
- Overview of Placement Paperwork
Please see below for an overview of the paperwork required for submission on both a 1 year placement and a 6 month placement. All paperwork is submitted to the Electronic Trainee File System (ETFS).
For paperwork deadlines, please see Placement dates for all trainee cohorts
Paperwork expected to be uploaded is also indicated on the ETFS, under each respective placement.
Any queries should be directed to the Clinical Placements Coordinator
Paperwork for a six-month placement period and schedule for submission
responsible for
uploading to the ETFSWhen
Placement contract
Submitted within 4 weeks of the start of the placement. Should be signed by both trainee and supervisor, scanned-in and uploaded to the ETFS (Note: Part C of previous EPR needs appending to the contract, signed to show your new supervisor has read this)
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
About mid-way through the placement (January/early February for Autumn-Spring placements; late June/early July for Summer placements)
MPR visitors should pass a copy of the completed form to both supervisor and trainee within 2 weeks of the review taking place. Trainee to upload when content has been agreed
Clinical portfolo
The log of clinical experience should be available for inspection at the MPR
A final version of the portfolio should be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement
MPR-EPR form at the point of EPR
The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
Supervisor Authentication of Clinical Experiences Undertaken on Placement
This signed document (included in the portfolio) should be submitted along with the completed portfolio; this can either be scanned-in with the portfolio and submitted as one, or uploaded as an Additional File under the relevant placement
Paperwork for a one-year placement and schedule for submissionFor the purposes of the Examination Board, trainees on a one-year placement are undertaking two 6-month placement periods. This means a slightly different pattern of paperwork, as follows:
Variations from the standard set of paperwork detailed above
Placement contract
If the work to be undertaken throughout the year does not change significantly, only one contract is needed
In placements where the work changes significantly at the six-month point, a second contract should be submitted
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
The yearlong version of the MPR-EPR form should be used on yearlong placements. This form should be completed at both MPRs (completing only the relevant sections) and uploaded to ETFS.
Clinical portfolio
The log should be available for each MPR meeting. One copy should be uploaded to the file system half-way through the placement, and the final copy, along with the signed supervisors authentication form, should be submitted at the end of the placement.
MPR-EPR form at
the mid-point of the
yearlong placementTrainee and supervisor complete the relevant sections of the yearlong MPR-EPR form at the mid-point of the placement (i.e .at the end of the first 6 months). If there are concerns about a trainee’s progress on the placement, supervisors should also complete the “Form for registering concern regarding trainee progression on placement”
MPR-EPR form at
the end of the
yearlong placement in the final EPRSupervisors and trainees update the yearlong MPR-EPR form in advance of the EPR meeting. The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
- Monitoring Clinical and Placement Progression
Benchmarking placement evaluation across the three years
Expectations of a trainee's performance change as they progress through training. This section outlines criteria that can be used to benchmark these expectations
- Overview of procedures used to monitor training
This section outlines the procedures used to monitor placements, including the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) and the End of Placement Review. - Format and content of the mid placement review
This section describes the content and structure of the MPR visit, and gives full details of the areas the placement visitor will cover.
- Forms for the MPR and EPR
There is one form that is used for both the MPR and the EPR. There is one version of the form for 6 month placements and one version for yearlong placements. These are found below:
Prior to the MPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainees complete the form. They send this completed form to the MPR visitor prior to the MPR meeting.
This document provides a brief overview of the content of the MPR meeting and is a guide for MPR visitors conducting these meetings:
UCL DClinPsy instructions for college visitors conducting MPRs
Prior to the EPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainee update the form that was completed at MPR. After the EPR meeting the form is uploaded to the UCL system by the trainee.
This brief video explains the MPR and EPR process
For supervisors of third year trainees in their final placement on training, there is a one page form to complete in August of the final placement. This is because the exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the MPR-EPR form will not normally have been complete This one-page form allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement.
For trainees, there is an optional one page form that they can complete after the EPR has taken place. The form allows them to provide comment on any formative or summative feedback received at the EPR.
UCL DClinPsy Trainee comments on supervisors feedback at EPR form
Finally, below is a link to a narrated powerpoint that will guide you in detail through the MPR and EPR process:
MediaCentral Widget Placeholder
Procedures for managing concerns about trainees on placement
Normally placements run smoothly. However, occasionally, there are times when concerns arise in relation to a trainee's progression.
There are clear course procedures on how to register concerns in any of these domains.- Procedures for Managing Concerns about Supervision on Placement
- Practice-Based Evidence
Here you can find tools used for calculating and recording reliable and clinical change.
- Clinical Portfolio
Portfolio of Clinical Experience
The Portfolio of Clinical Experience helps trainees to maintain a systematic record of the clinical work they are undertaking in each placement, and building into a cumulative training record that applies across the whole course. At the end of each placement the supervisor needs to sign a form confirming that the portfolio is an accurate record.
A full description of the portfolio can be found in Section 16 of the Training Handbook. This describes the portfolio itself, the way it is used, and includes examples of how to complete each section.
Section D of the Cumulative Training Record (previously denoted as the Reflective Practice Log) helps trainees to identify their progression through training in relation to the HCPC and BPS accreditation criteria. It sets out the contexts in which trainees need to work as well as the competences they need to develop.
- Download Section D of the Cumulative Training Record master matrix (which includes hyperlinks to descriptions of competences)
- Download a blank template for Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
- Download an example of a completed Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
Supervisor's Confirmation of Experiences Recorded in the Record
As above, at the end of each placement period the supervisor should review the log and submit the 'authentication of clinical experience' form to college.
- Rating Scales for Structured Observation
UCL have developed two rating scales to help supervisors and trainees undertake structured observation. The first focuses on competence in the application of generic therapy skills; the second focuses on CBT therapy skills.
For each scale there is:
A brief information sheet:A scoring sheet:
Scoring Sheet - Generic Therapy SkillsScoring Sheet - CBT Competencies
- A rating scale:
- Rating Scale for Generic Therapy Skills
- Client Consent Forms
- Client Feedback Questionnaires
This section contains client feedback forms to be used with clients on clinical placement. Trainees may also use, if appropriate, service developed questionnaires.
- Overview of Placement Paperwork
Please see below for an overview of the paperwork required for submission on both a 1 year placement and a 6 month placement. All paperwork is submitted to the Electronic Trainee File System (ETFS).
For paperwork deadlines, please see Placement dates for all trainee cohorts
Paperwork expected to be uploaded is also indicated on the ETFS, under each respective placement.
Any queries should be directed to the Clinical Placements Coordinator
Paperwork for a six-month placement period and schedule for submission
responsible for
uploading to the ETFSWhen
Placement contract
Submitted within 4 weeks of the start of the placement. Should be signed by both trainee and supervisor, scanned-in and uploaded to the ETFS (Note: Part C of previous EPR needs appending to the contract, signed to show your new supervisor has read this)
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
About mid-way through the placement (January/early February for Autumn-Spring placements; late June/early July for Summer placements)
MPR visitors should pass a copy of the completed form to both supervisor and trainee within 2 weeks of the review taking place. Trainee to upload when content has been agreed
Clinical portfolo
The log of clinical experience should be available for inspection at the MPR
A final version of the portfolio should be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement
MPR-EPR form at the point of EPR
The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
Supervisor Authentication of Clinical Experiences Undertaken on Placement
This signed document (included in the portfolio) should be submitted along with the completed portfolio; this can either be scanned-in with the portfolio and submitted as one, or uploaded as an Additional File under the relevant placement
Paperwork for a one-year placement and schedule for submissionFor the purposes of the Examination Board, trainees on a one-year placement are undertaking two 6-month placement periods. This means a slightly different pattern of paperwork, as follows:
Variations from the standard set of paperwork detailed above
Placement contract
If the work to be undertaken throughout the year does not change significantly, only one contract is needed
In placements where the work changes significantly at the six-month point, a second contract should be submitted
MPR-EPR form at the point of MPR
The yearlong version of the MPR-EPR form should be used on yearlong placements. This form should be completed at both MPRs (completing only the relevant sections) and uploaded to ETFS.
Clinical portfolio
The log should be available for each MPR meeting. One copy should be uploaded to the file system half-way through the placement, and the final copy, along with the signed supervisors authentication form, should be submitted at the end of the placement.
MPR-EPR form at
the mid-point of the
yearlong placementTrainee and supervisor complete the relevant sections of the yearlong MPR-EPR form at the mid-point of the placement (i.e .at the end of the first 6 months). If there are concerns about a trainee’s progress on the placement, supervisors should also complete the “Form for registering concern regarding trainee progression on placement”
MPR-EPR form at
the end of the
yearlong placement in the final EPRSupervisors and trainees update the yearlong MPR-EPR form in advance of the EPR meeting. The form must be discussed verbally at the End of Placement Review
It must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the placement. The trainee should ensure that it is the supervisor-signed version that is uploaded to the ETFS (typed signatures are not appropriate), and all details (e.g. number of days on placement, start/end dates) must be present and correct.
Interim feedback form for 3rd years nearing the end of the course
The exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the standard supervisor form will not have been completed. This one-page allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement; this form should be completed, signed and uploaded to the ETFS under placement 5/6 as an Additional File; a copy should also be emailed to the Clinical Placements Administrator
- Monitoring Clinical and Placement Progression
Benchmarking placement evaluation across the three years
Expectations of a trainee's performance change as they progress through training. This section outlines criteria that can be used to benchmark these expectations
- Overview of procedures used to monitor training
This section outlines the procedures used to monitor placements, including the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) and the End of Placement Review. - Format and content of the mid placement review
This section describes the content and structure of the MPR visit, and gives full details of the areas the placement visitor will cover.
- Forms for the MPR and EPR
There is one form that is used for both the MPR and the EPR. There is one version of the form for 6 month placements and one version for yearlong placements. These are found below:
Prior to the MPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainees complete the form. They send this completed form to the MPR visitor prior to the MPR meeting.
This document provides a brief overview of the content of the MPR meeting and is a guide for MPR visitors conducting these meetings:
UCL DClinPsy instructions for college visitors conducting MPRs
Prior to the EPR meeting, supervisor(s) and trainee update the form that was completed at MPR. After the EPR meeting the form is uploaded to the UCL system by the trainee.
This brief video explains the MPR and EPR process
For supervisors of third year trainees in their final placement on training, there is a one page form to complete in August of the final placement. This is because the exam board meets to decide on trainees passing or failing in early September. At this point the MPR-EPR form will not normally have been complete This one-page form allows supervisors to indicate whether the trainee is expected to pass the placement.
For trainees, there is an optional one page form that they can complete after the EPR has taken place. The form allows them to provide comment on any formative or summative feedback received at the EPR.
UCL DClinPsy Trainee comments on supervisors feedback at EPR form
Finally, below is a link to a narrated powerpoint that will guide you in detail through the MPR and EPR process:
MediaCentral Widget Placeholder - Procedures for managing concerns about trainees on placement
Normally placements run smoothly. However, occasionally, there are times when concerns arise in relation to a trainee's progression.
There are clear course procedures on how to register concerns in any of these domains.- Procedures for Managing Concerns about Supervision on Placement
- Practice-Based Evidence
Here you can find tools used for calculating and recording reliable and clinical change.
- Clinical Portfolio
Portfolio of Clinical Experience
The Portfolio of Clinical Experience helps trainees to maintain a systematic record of the clinical work they are undertaking in each placement, and building into a cumulative training record that applies across the whole course. At the end of each placement the supervisor needs to sign a form confirming that the portfolio is an accurate record.
A full description of the portfolio can be found in Section 16 of the Training Handbook. This describes the portfolio itself, the way it is used, and includes examples of how to complete each section.
Section D of the Cumulative Training Record (previously denoted as the Reflective Practice Log) helps trainees to identify their progression through training in relation to the HCPC and BPS accreditation criteria. It sets out the contexts in which trainees need to work as well as the competences they need to develop.
- Download Section D of the Cumulative Training Record master matrix (which includes hyperlinks to descriptions of competences)
- Download a blank template for Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
- Download an example of a completed Section D of the Cumulative Training Record
Supervisor's Confirmation of Experiences Recorded in the Record
As above, at the end of each placement period the supervisor should review the log and submit the 'authentication of clinical experience' form to college.
- Rating Scales for Structured Observation
UCL have developed two rating scales to help supervisors and trainees undertake structured observation. The first focuses on competence in the application of generic therapy skills; the second focuses on CBT therapy skills.
For each scale there is:
A brief information sheet:A rating scale:
A scoring sheet:
- Client Consent Forms
- Client Feedback Questionnaires
This section contains client feedback forms to be used with clients on clinical placement. Trainees may also use, if appropriate, service developed questionnaires.
- Resources for supervisors
New Supervisor Workshop Slides
UCL run supervision workshops jointly with Royal Holloway University of London and University of East London. The new supervisor workshop gives information on how to set up and run a placement and provides the first part of accredited supervisor training. For slides from this workshop click here. For dates of this and other workshops click here.
Supervisor competence framework
Guidelines for academic work conducted on placement
As part of their course requirements, trainees conduct two different types of academic work while they are on placement; case reports and service related research projects.
It is often useful for supervisors to be able to see the guidelines for these:
Click here for case report guidelines
Click here for service related research guidelines.
International Trainees
- Role of the Associate Clinical Tutor
- MPR Process
- MPR Report Materials
- Payment Information
The deadline for payment forms is the 1st of every month. If the deadline is missed you will be entered into the following month's payroll. Please note we also require proof of right to work, such as a passport.
Right to Work Department Guidance
One off payment form (not self-employed)
Self-employed guidelines
- Useful Links