
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Electronic Trainee Files System

The majority of paperwork for the DClinPsy is securely-stored on our Electronic Trainee Files System (ETFS).

The system is designed to send automatic emails when a piece of paperwork has not been submitted by the deadline (paperwork requirements and deadlines can be found here: www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-psychology-doctorate/placement-dates-all-trainee-cohorts-0

Accessing the System

If you are a trainee, the ETFS can be found at: https://dcp.pals.ucl.ac.uk/trainee

If you are a tutor, the ETFS can be found at: https://dcp.pals.ucl.ac.uk/tutor

If you are an admin user, the ETFS can be found at: https://dcp.pals.ucl.ac.uk/admin/

There are two ways of logging in to the ETFS:

  • Via a UCL computer/connecting to the eduroam Wi-fi network.

When first using Desktop Anywhere you may be asked to install software for it to work. Once signed in, you should be able to access the ETFS address. If you experience any problems with Desktop Anywhere, please contact the IT Helpdesk.

Uploading Documents



If you experience any problems with the ETFS, please contact the Clinical Placements Coordinator.