There are a range of PhD students undertaking studies relating to the Early Modern period.
The Early Modern Studies PhD programme adopts a distinctively interdisciplinary approach, alongside a thorough grounding in research skills and is underpinned by the unparalleled resources available to students on our doorstep in Bloomsbury. Other PhD programmes also relate to the Early Modern period though. The below list includes students from a variety of different programmes.
Waseem Ahmed
Our Blessed Republic: Everyday Politics in Revolutionary England, 1649-1660. Supervisors: Prof Jason Peacey and Dr E Legon (QMUL)
Carlos Araújo
Christ, Diplomacy & Slaves: The Kingdom of Kongo (c.1509 – 1620s). Supervisors: Prof Toby Green (KCL) and Prof Zoltán Biedermann
Rana Banna
Word-Magic: Early Modern Linguistic Sign Theory in Shakespeare’s Late Plays. Supervisors: Dr Eric Langley and Dr Rachel Holmes
Antonia Belli
Containing Knowledge: The Material History of Medicine Chests in Early Modern Italy, UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Sam Brown
‘It is a difficult thing which I undertake’: The acquisition and transmission of Arabic linguistic knowledge in early modern England, 1569-1635. Supervisors: Dr Robyn Adams and Dr Matthew Symonds
Laurence Chen
Figural potential of alchemical allusions in English lyric poems. Supervisors: Dr Anthony Ossa-Richardson and Dr Eric Langley
Siobhan Cooke
Folk mythology and traditional oral folklore. Supervisors: Prof Alison Shell and Dr Matthew Symonds
Ethan Darden
On legendary swords in history and literature: an in-depth examination of Curtana, Durendal and Joyeuse. Supervisors: Prof Alexander Samson and Dr Thibaut Maus de Rolley
Clara Davarpanah
Title t.b.c. Supervisors: Dr Allison Stielau and Prof Alison Wright
Thomas Fleming
Religious Bodies: Refiguring Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the Early/Modern. Supervisors: Prof Jason Peacey
Esme Garlake
Early sixteenth-century art of north Italy: an ecocritical perspective. Supervisors: Prof Alison Wright, Prof Bob Mills.
Nalina Gopal
Petitioning by Tamil diasporas in the Straits of Melaka and Singapore (1786-1867). Supervisors: Dr Jagjeet Lally
Glasgow Hardie
Uncertain Bodies: The Transient Nature of Colour in Early Modern Italy. Supervisors: Prof Rose Marie San Juan and Dr Natasha Eaton
Shahid Hussain
Networks and Patronage: British Ambassadors to Muscovy in the 17th Century. Supervisors: Dr Sergei Bogatyrev and Prof Jason Peacey
Bethany Kidd
Resourcing the New Science, 1660-1760. Supervisors: Prof Simon Werrett and Keith Moore (Royal Society)
Elinora Lane
The Use of Emblems by Women in Sixteenth-Century Italy. Supervisors: Dr Lisa Sampson and Dr Rembrandt Duits (Warburg)
Stephen Mallet
‘The business of smuggling across the English Channel in the Eighteenth Century: Anglo-French comparisons‘. Supervisor: Prof Julian Hoppit
Finn Manders
Early Modern commonplace books held by the Wellcome Collection. Supervisors: Dr Elaine Leong & Prof Angus Gowland
Alesia Mankouskaya
Theatre culture of the Duchy of Lithuania in 17th century. Supervisors: tbc
Francesca Masiero
Literacy and Learning in Latin and Vernacular Schools in Verona (1405-1509). Supervisors: Prof Dilwyn Knox and Dr Lisa Sampson
Josh Mcloughlin
"vnpossible" history in early modern England. Supervisors: Prof Alexander Samson and Prof Lucy Munro (KCL)
Stuart Moss
“Removed and Recontextualized: Monastic Art in the Bavarian Säkularisation of 1803". Supervisors: Dr Allison Stielau and Prof Richard Taws
Emilia Pearce
'The Sound of Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Painting'. Supervisor(s): Prof Rose Marie San Juan
Elsa Perryman Owens
'Melted, Singed, Incinerated, Saved: Catastrophe and the Non-Human in The Great Fire of London'. Supervisors: Dr Allison Stielau and Prof Jason Peacey
Domenico Pino
Printmaking in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1734–1799). Supervisors: Dr Richard Taws and Prof Rose Marie San Juan
Henry Tudor Pole
'The Adriatic Quattrocento and the art of the Crivelli'. Supervisor: Prof Alison Wright
Josh Racey
The Dutch occupation of London during the Revolution of 1688-9. Supervisor: Prof Ben Kaplan
Victoria Rasbridge
Intersecting Identities: Representing Queenship in the Golden Age comedia. Supervisors: Prof Alexander Samson and Dr Lisa Samson
Anna Schiffer
Sir Philip Sidney’s European Tour (1572-75); its influence on his An Apology for Poetry and on later English poetry. Supervisors: Prof Edward Chaney and Prof Alexander Samson
Skye Shirley
Four Collections of Latin Poetry by Women From the 17th Century. Supervisors: Dr Victoria Moul and Prof Gesine Manuwald
Luisa Signorelli
The reception of Shakespeare in the eighteenth-century anthology. Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Roberts; Prof Helen Hackett
Petra Sikic
Gesture and the Body in Early Modern Italy. Supervisor(s): Prof Rose Marie San Juan
Simon Smets
Authorship and Narrative Design in Renaissance Latin Letter Collections 1470-1520. Supervisors: Prof Gesine Manuwald and Prof Dilwyn Knox
Kate So
The Heterogeneous Nature of Early Modern Manuscript Recipe Book Functions [c. 1500 - 1800]. Supervisors: Prof Jane Gilbert and Prof Alison Shell
Caroline Streek
Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach and the political influence within her female household 1714-1737. Supervisor: Prof Stephen Conway
Melita Thomas
The Power of Networks and the Networks of Power: The Social and Political networks of Mary I. Supervisors: Prof Alexander Samson and Dr Matthew Symonds
James Waddell
Early Modern anxieties about distraction and shortened attention spans. Supervisors: Prof Helen Hackett and Dr Eric Langley
Katherine Wills
Early modern medicine and classical reception. Supervisors: t.b.c.
Jacob Wiseman
Intersections between biblical and literary cultures in early modern England. Supervisors: Prof Alison Shell and Dr Linda Freedman
Jill Woodberry
Imitation of Horace in England, 1620-1660: the moralising tradition. Supervisors: Dr Victoria Moul, Prof Gesine Manuwald and Dr Chris Stamatakis
Ruiheng Xiao
Reception of Western classics in 16th and 17th century China by the Jesuits missionaries. Supervisors: Prof Zoltan Biedermann