Overview of personal tutoring for students at UCL in 2020-21, including a remote learning environment.
Personal Tutors have a vital role to play in your experience at UCL:
- Supporting a positive student learning experience, based on clear and consistent structures and expectations;
- Ensuring students feel a sense of belonging to a community; and
- Encouraging students to be active participants in their learning.
This guide gives overview of personal tutoring for students at UCL, and highlights some changes you can expect to personal tutoring in a remote learning environment.
Overview of Personal Tutoring at UCL
What is personal tutoring? Every taught student is assigned an individual member of staff to provide personal tutor support within their programme or department. They provide regular and personalised support and guidance. Departments decide how best to provide support to their students. UCL does not promote a one-size-fits-all approach. Some departments will have their own particular models of tutoring which they will communicate with you.
For many departments, personal tutoring will look similar to this model:
During Connected Learning, personal tutors will be in touch with students early on in the term.
This might take the form of:
- an email to check in or advise on their availability to provide support.
- an online tutorial group meeting, held via MS Teams, BB Collaborate, Skype, or Zoom.
- a one-to-one tutorial meeting via MS Teams, Zoom or Skype.
- dedicated virtual “office hours” where students can connect with their personal tutors via email or MS Teams (with or without scheduled appointments).
- an MS Teams page for your tutor group.
1. At an early meeting, personal tutors will discuss expectations on personal tutoring within your department or programme, including:
- communication style / etiquette of meetings
- level of engagement and approaches of personal tutors
- boundaries & limitations for remote interaction
2. Personal tutors will reply to emails from personal tutees within a reasonable time.
- Personal tutors will provide their availability and response times.
- Make sure you know who you can contact if your personal tutor is out of office. This might be your programme lead or Departmental (Graduate) Tutor.
3. Personal tutors will keep a record of meetings.
This can be useful for refreshing you both on previous discussions and your plans/goals. It can also be a useful source when personal tutors are asked to produce a reference for you.
- You might want to volunteer to take notes of actions that you or your tutor will take.
- If you want the details of conversations to stay confidential, talk about this with your personal tutor.
4. Personal tutors can signpost students to resources and support within the wider framework of student support.
Personal tutoring and other student support available to you
- General
What your personal tutor does
- Be a consistent and reliable point of contact for a student about any matter throughout their studies
- Take and display an interest in the personal and academic development of tutees
- Encourage tutees to share personal and academic achievements and feedback about their course
- Maintain regular contact with tutees through meetings or other means
- Be available to meet with tutees individually if they request
Online/remote services
askUCL Student Enquiry SystemStudents' Union UCL
Students’ Union UCL- Induction and transition
What your personal tutor does
- Provide practical guidance, support and encouragement to help students settle into UCL
- In-person support services
- Student Transition mentors for 1st year UG students
Online/remote services
New Students
Central online resources for new students, including checklists, induction videos, advice for international students, information for parents, and updates on joining UCL during Covid-19Introductory Programme
An online programme that introduces UCL students to the past, present and future of UCL, and prepare you for joining an academic community of disruptive thinkers.
- Academic progress
What your personal tutor does
- Take an overview of general progress and development
- Help students understand assessment requirements and know how to access guidance and support in completing them
- Provide advice on how to approach assessment
- Help students draw out generic learning points from assessment feedback
- Direct students to staff who can provide subject-specific support.
- Provide advice and guidance for students considering interrupting their studies or withdrawing
- Direct students to the Undergraduate Programme Tutor where appropriate
Students' Union UCL
Advice Service (e.g. extenuating circumstances, interrupting studies)
- Module choice
What your personal tutor does
- Support students to understand the options available to them and how they may support their interests and career aspirations.
Online/remote services
Module catalogue- Study, information and IT skills support
What your personal tutor does
- Support and encourage the development of independent learning skills.
- Help students to identify when and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
LibrarySkills@UCL training
ISD Digital Skills courses
ISD drop in sessions
Digital Skills Development at IOE courses
Covid-19 UCL Library ResourcesOnline/remote services
LibrarySkills@UCL online training and guides
Introduction to Academic Integrity short Moodle course
UCL Students page
LinkedIn Learning courses- Learning remotely
What your personal tutor does
- Direct students to resources on effective learning remotely.
Online/remote services
UCL Students page
Connected Learning at UCL course
Covid-19 UCL Library Resources.- Laptop loans
What your personal tutor does
- Direct students to the Student Laptop Loan Scheme for those without computer access.
Online/remote services
ISD Student Laptop Loan Scheme- Academic English language support for all students
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify when and how to access support and guidance
In-person support services
UCL Academic Communication CentreOnline/remote services
Self-Access Centre materials database (UCL Centre for Languages & International Education)
Academic Writing in English appStudents' Union UCL
Language + Writing Support for International Students- Careers advice
What your personal tutor does
- Provide general advice on personal and professional development, and CV building.
- Write references (if student is known to personal tutor).
- Direct student to Departmental/Faculty Careers Officer where applicable.
In-person support services
UCL Careers
Support includes talks and workshops, one-to-one advice and practice assessment centres.Online/remote services
Career Essentials Online modular eLearning courseStudents' Union UCL
Personal and Professional Development Skills Sessions- Welfare and personal support
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance
In-person support services
Student Support and WellbeingOnline/remote services
Student Support and Wellbeing online resources: Blog, videos, guides and training on a range of topicsStudents' Union UCL
Personal Health and Wellbeing
Project Active at Home- Disability support
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
Student Support and WellbeingStudents' Union UCL
Disabled Students’ Network- Mental health support including counselling
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
Student Support and WellbeingOut of hours services
UCL 24/7 Student Support Line (+44 (0) 808 238 0077), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.Students' Union UCL
Personal Health and Wellbeing, including Mental Health- Chaplaincy
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
UCL Chaplain- Financial advice
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
Student Funding AdvisersOnline/remote services
UCL Financial Assistance Fund
The Financial Assistance Fund is a hardship fund for UCL students who are in unexpected financial need (not related to the Covid-19 pandemic).Students' Union UCL
Advice Service
(Covid-19) Financial Support Options- Immigration and visas
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
Student Immigration Advice TeamStudents' Union UCL
Advice Service- Housing
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
In-person support services
Wardens and Student Residence Advisers (for students in UCL accommodation)
Students' Union UCL
Advice Service- Complaints
What your personal tutor does
- Provide general advice and support on informal resolution of complaints.
- Direct students to relevant service if required.
In-person support services
UCL Student MediatorStudents' Union UCL
Advice Service- Disciplinary issues including academic misconduct
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
Students' Union UCL
Advice Service- Student registration and records
What your personal tutor does
- Help students to identify problems and how to access support and guidance.
Online/remote services
askUCL Student Enquiry SystemIn-person support services
Student Enquiries Centre
Departments and Programmes may have specific supports alongside those provided centrally (e.g. the role of the Departmental Tutor, Departmental Administrator, Academic Mentor, Careers Liaison, etc.).
If your query isn’t on this list, or if you’re not sure how you can access resources, reach out to your personal tutor.