Learn about initiatives and support for equality, diversity and inclusion across UCL.
- Athena SWAN at UCL
- Athena SWAN website shares the University’s Action Plan and initiatives aimed at improving gender representation, progression and the working environment for all staff.
- Bullying and Harassment
Bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct are unacceptable.
- Report and Support is UCL’s anonymous reporting tool if you are a victim or a witness of any form of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct.
- UCL provides Support for victims of bullying and harassment including a network of trained Dignity advisors who provide a confidential information service to staff and students.
- The Active Bystander Programme by UCL Students Union aims to train UCL students to recognise and challenge problematic behaviours, such as bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct.
- UCL Students Union advice and support on Sexual Violence and Harassment includes organisations external to UCL which offer specialist support.
- Disability Equity at UCL
- Disability Equality webpages have extensive advice for staff and students including guidance on reasonable adjustments and access to work; accessibility tools and training; booking a Sign Language Interpreter; and the physical accessibility of UCL buildings and spaces.
- UCL Staff Equalities Networks include: Enable@UCL promoting disability equality; and the Neurodivergent Staff Network.
- Gender Equity at UCL
- Gender Equality webpages provide advice on parental leave and other entitlements and for pregnant students.
- The Gender Equality Network, Male Allies Network, Parents and Carers Together, UCL Menopause Network, UCL Astrea and UCL Women in STEM all act to support and advance gender equality at UCL.
- The local chapter of the Women's Engineering Society at UCL aims to promoting the profile and education of women in engineering.
- LGBTQ+ Equity at UCL
- The LGBTQ+ Equality Steering Group is open to all at UCL and champions LGBTQ+ equality within the university as well as steering the Out@UCL and Friends of Out@UCL Staff Networks. LGBTQ+ STEM @UCL Network and UCL Trans Network also provide communities and support for staff, students, and allies.
- The LGBTQ+ Equality webpages provide LGBTQ+ support and guidance for staff and students including on inclusion language, career advice, and issues at work and key contacts.
- The qUCL research community helps brings together UCL staff and students with research and teaching interests in LGBTQ studies, gender and sexuality studies, queer theory and related fields.
- Race Equity at UCL
- UCL has committed to the Race Equality Charter with an action plan developed in collaboration with the Race Equality Steering Group.
- RaceMatters@UCL network provides support and community promoting race equality at UCL.
- UCL’s mentoring schemes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff include the B-MEntor schemes for Academics and Professional Staff and the Inclusive Advocacy Scheme. The Emerging Leaders and Accelerate to Leadership schemes support BAME staff career progression. Consider signing up as a mentor, mentee, or trainee.
- UCL aims to address the disparities in student attainment and experience through the UCL BME Attainment Project. The project has created a list of teaching resources to help close the awarding gap, alongside other race equality educational resources recommended by UCLs Race Equality Steering Group.
- The Fair Recruitment Specialist Initiative aims to enable racially-diverse recruitment panels. See the link for guidance on inviting a Fair Recruitment Specialist to join shortlisting and interview panels. You may volunteer for Fair Recruitment Specialist training if you self-identify as Black and Minority Ethnic.
- Student BME networks, clubs and societies represent the views of students’ at UCL who self-define as BME.
- If you are a victim of, or witness, racial and xenophobic harassment UCL provides support as part of the Let's Talk about Race campaign.
- Religion and Faith at UCL
Religion and Faith website provides information on advice and facilities for staff and students of all faiths and beliefs.
UCL Religion and Belief Equality Guidance provides guidance for staff and students on creating an inclusive environment for those of all faiths and none, and includes UCL’s Diversity Calendar of key and noteworthy dates.
Interfaith Forum is an active group of staff and students who are helping to raise the profile of faith and faith communities at UCL.
Faith and Spirituality Student Societies part of UCL union are open to all students.
Quiet Contemplation Rooms at UCL are available for prayer, meditation, and quiet contemplation across UCL.
- UCL ED&I resources
- UCL Faculty of Engineering EDI Website shares information about work to address inequalities in the Faculty and wider Engineering.
- UCL EDI Website shares information about equalities initiatives at UCL.
- UCL EDI Training is available to all staff, including online and in person sessions
- Sign up for the UCL EDI Newsletter to hear about events and initiatives across UCL.
- UCL Students’ Union Officers
- UCL Students’ Union Officers represent all students at UCL.
- Representatives at UCL include: Equity & Inclusion Student Officer; Officer for Students with Caring Responsibilities; LGBQ+ Student Officer; Disabled Students' Officer; Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Students' Officer; Trans Student Officer; Women's Student Officer.
- Widening Participation
- UCL supports and funds events and initiatives to widen participation in higher education for students from groups who are under-represented at university.