Guidance for managers: supporting lesbian, gay and bisexual staff at work
Sexual orientation can be a complex area, especially for managers who are not lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) themselves, do not know any LGB people or who have little experience of managing diverse teams. This guidance is intended to equip managers with the understanding and expertise they need to meet the needs of LGB people and create an inclusive, high-performing team.
Supporting trans staff
Trans employees are welcome within the UCL community and should be treated with dignity and respect. We value their contribution to the life of the university. This guide aims to support managers and colleagues of trans employees. Trans employees should also use it as an outline of UCL’s responsibilities to them. It includes general good practice for trans employees and guidance relating to those who undertake transition at work. Download the full guide: Supporting Trans Staff in the Workplace
Supporting trans students
A guide is available to help foster understanding of students who identify as trans and to provide advice on how to achieve a supportive environment for students undergoing transition whilst at UCL.
Trans students can face difficult situations and interactions in their personal, academic and family lives simultaneously. UCL staff and students are encouraged to be aware and sensitive to these stresses. Whilst the number of students that actually transition gender may be low, it is not uncommon for young adults to experience gender identity issues.
Within the guidance, the Director of Student Support and Wellbeing has been designated as the primary contact person to provide support for trans students. In addition, the guidance outlines the responsibilities of departmental staff and provides information on correct terminology, good practice in creating a safe and welcoming space and summarises the university's legal obligations.
Sam Nicholls, a previous UCLU's Women's Representative and a trans student said, "It's good to know that there is something specifically out there to support trans students. It takes out some of the legwork from a long and often difficult process."
How to respond to someone coming out - do’s and dont's
Some people may find it a challenge knowing how to react when someone comes out to them. One thing to keep in mind is that it may have taken a lot of internal anxiety and preparation to take the decision to tell you. Take your time, listen to them and show that you are supportive of them.
Support LGBTQ+ staff and students at UCL
Anyone who is a member of Out@UCL or a Friend of Out@UCL could make an extra effort to display their sticker as a show of support or download (right click on the image to save) one of the following templates to use as your Teams background.
Further information
For more information please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team:
For further support and advice on transitioning please visit: