Information and contact details of UCL's Dignity Advisors
The University has a network of trained Dignity Advisors who provide an informal, confidential information service to staff and students on issues relating to bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct.
All Dignity Advisors are members of staff in a variety of roles across campus who volunteer to work to provide advice in addition to their day jobs. Dignity Advisors receive two full days of additional training on UCL policy on bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct, related procedures, and relevant skills to listen to disclosures and sign-posting.
Advisors are supported in this role to ‘look after themselves’ and attend termly peer-support sessions. The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Team manage this Network and are available to support Advisors where necessary.
If you feel you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination, you can contact an advisor directly from the below list, or through submitting a ‘contact advisor’ form on Report + Support. You can contact any dignity advisor(s), and do not have to limit yourself to your own department or faculty. These are listed faculty-wise only for an orderly organisation. While dignity advisors can neither investigate if misconduct has occurred nor advocate for any person, they can coach a reporting person to undertake informal resolution, where appropriate, as well as guide them to formal procedures. Dignity Advisors are also available to staff who have been accused of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination.
Dignity Advisors can:
- Offer confidential information on issues relating to harassment, bullying and equality
- Listen to you without making any judgments about what you say
- Help you to clarify your thoughts about what is happening
- Explain the informal and formal procedures under the policy for prevention of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct
- Help you to explore the various options available to you
- Help you to explore other sources of support which may be available to you
Dignity Advisors cannot:
- Tell you what you should do
- Act as your advocate
- Make decisions on whether bullying or harassment has taken place
- Maintain confidentiality if they believe that there is a risk of harm to you or others
UCL's Dignity Advisors
- Faculty of Arts & Humanities
- Antony Makrinos
Department of Greek & Latin
I came to UCL as an MA student in the Greek and Latin Department and after receiving my PhD in Classics in 2005, I have worked at UCL ever since. I am now a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Greek and Latin Department and a Senior Teaching Fellow of the HEA. I have been a mentor for PGTAs and a personal tutor for many students over the years. In my role as a Dignity Advisor, I would like to provide help and support to individuals and make UCL a friendly place to work.Patrick BraySchool of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS)
I am an Associate Professor of French at UCL, where I teach courses on literature, cinema, and theory. Before coming to UCL, I taught for many years in the United States, where I had extensive experience mentoring colleagues and postgraduate students. As the first person in my family to finish university, I am passionate about making the university a welcoming environment for everyoneEleni MarkouSchool of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS)
I am working as a Teaching Fellow at CenTraS with a focus on translation technology, English into Greek translation and subtitling. Outside of UCL I run my own linguistics business. I am currently the Co-Chair for the Disability Equality Steering Group at UCL, and SELCS Disability Champion. I am passionate about contributing to making the environment at UCL a collegial, inclusive, and supportive one. - Faculty of Brain Sciences
- Martina Callaghan
Institute of Neurology
I am Professor of MRI Physics at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging where I am also the Deputy Centre Director and Head of Physics. My research focuses on the development of MRI-based methods for neuroscientific studies. I am also a tutor on the MSc in Advanced Neuroimaging and a Mentor on the In2Research widening participation in research program run by In2ScienceUK, through which I have also hosted school students to provide an experience of the research environment. My group is also involved in public engagement activities aimed at explaining MRI to a wider audience, in particular patient groups that attend our Centre to be scanned as part of research studies. As a Dignity Advisor I aim to provide a safe and open space for confidential discussions.Christine ChowInstitute of Neurology
I have worked in health-related research for twenty years across different universities, and recently returned to UCL (Institute of Neurology) in July 2020 as the Programme Manager for the Neurogenetic Therapies Programme. I work across lab and clinical research and spend time trying to understand the specific pressures research and professional staff are under. I have a knowledge of how differing work-cultures of NHS, Industry, clinical and non-clinical academic work can lead to a mismatch in expectations and can result in challenging behaviours. I sit on one of the IoN EDI committees and believe staff are more likely to thrive if they feel valued, safe and empowered to be their authentic selves. I would be very happy to have an informal chat around your specific situation and the options open to you.Dominique DraiInstitute of Neurology
I am a PS member of staff at UCL and I work in a research-oriented environment, supporting academic and research staff as well as post-graduate students. I currently work as Centre Research Coordinator at Max Planck UCL Centre (Brain Sciences) and was previously working in Faculty of Engineering Sciences (Centre for Medical Image Computing). I feel strongly that the workplace should be a safe environment and free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, where everybody gets the opportunity to thrive and develop. As a Dignity at Work Advisor I try to contribute to make UCL a better workplace for all.Faisel Farooq
Institute of Neurology Foakes (Anna works at UCL part-time, 3 days a week)Institute of Neurology
I have worked in higher education for 14 years, in a range of roles for different universities. I now work part-time as senior teaching administrator at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, managing distance learning programmes, providing support and assistance to students from different countries, who are based all over the world. I work very closely with academics, and the education team at Queen Square. I am also a mentor and an internal coach for UCL staff. When I am not working at UCL, I run my own coaching and therapy business. We spend so much time at work and we all deserve to feel heard and to be safe. Being respectful and considerate to people is really valuable. As dignity advisors we can provide a confidential space for you to have an informal chat about the situation and the options that are available to you.
Safiyyah PatelInstitute of Ophthalmology - Faculty of Engineering Sciences
- Michael Sulu
Department of Biochemical Engineering am a Postdoc, and a facilities manager. I spend a lot of my time helping UG and PG students, especially the Doctoral students who may find the isolating nature of research difficult. This stemmed from my own experience as a student and it further got me both more interested in and involved with the College EDI initiatives as a member of staff. I think we all want a fair and inclusive environment to work in and I want to help make it that way, by supporting those who have experienced the negative side of working here.
Jacqueline KennardUCL School of Management am a Senior Finance Officer in the UCL School of Management, based on the Bloomsbury Campus and have worked at UCL since 2002 in various EA roles. I like to help people, especially around issues in the workplace and have thorough knowledge and understanding of UCL's HR policies.
- Faculty of Laws
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- Faculty of Life Sciences
Wendy Birch
Division of Biosciences manage the Anatomy Laboratory in the Rockefeller Building. I have been a member of UCL staff for over 20 years and have over five years’ experience as a personal tutor and mentor. I believe that everyone is entitled to carry out their work in an environment free from bullying and harassment. I became a dignity at work advisor as I wanted to learn how to support and empower my colleagues in cases where they felt their own dignity at work was compromised.
Sandrine GerantonDivision of Biosciences
I came to UCL as a post-graduate student in the division of Biosciences in September 1999 and I have worked at UCL ever since. I am now a lecturer in the department of Cell and Developmental Biology based in the Medawar building. I have been a mentor for junior colleagues in Biosciences for many years and, with my role as a DWA, I am looking forward to advising people from any UCL department. UCL should be a great workplace for all and issues should be dealt with promptly.Sukh ThiaraLife Sciences
I work within the Faculty of Life Sciences as a Student Wellbeing Adviser. I am committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion. I’m trained in active listening and will provide non-judgemental, empathetic, and supportive listening in a confidential space. I am passionate about ensuring a safe and equal workspace for all staff and students. I have experience with issues around LGBTQ+, disabilities, gender, mental health, and race.- Faculty of Maths & Physical Sciences
- Selina Lovell
Department of Physics & Astronomy am Teaching & Learning Manager in Physics & Astronomy and have been at UCL since 2017, having previously worked at King's College London and for the NHS in teaching, research and clinical areas. I have worked extensively with students with different learning needs, Athena Swan submissions for Professional Services, working groups for gender equality, and am passionate about empathy and kindness in the workplace.
- Faculty of Population Health Sciences
- Dimitra Stamogiannou
Institute for Global Health am the Institute Manager for the Institute for Global Health, having previously worked as Departmental Manager at the Department of Space and Physics at UCL and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science at King’s College London. I have had a number of ED&I roles, I have contributed to successful Athena Swan Bronze and Silver applications, and I am currently Deputy Director of our Institute’s ED&I Executive Committee. I am committed to an equitable workplace and to providing a safe space for confidential discussions.
- Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences
- Rebecca Jennings
Department of History
I joined UCL in 2016 and I currently work in the History Department as an Associate Professor in Modern Gender History. In my research I’ve spent twenty years researching lesbian history and I’m interested in histories of gender, sexuality, race and marginalised communities more broadly. I’m really committed to helping make UCL an inclusive place for everyone to work and study and I’m currently the Inclusion Lead in the History Department. I am also the staff facilitator for the History’s LGBTQ+ staff student network and I am a member of the UCL LGBTQ+ Equality Steering Group. - Faculty of the Built Environment
- Naz Siddique
The Bartlett School of Architecture
I work in Professional Studies at the Bartlett School of Architecture. Being treated with dignity and respect in the workplace is fundamental to our overall well-being. Too often people suffer in silence and labour on under the impression that there is no one to turn to, and little they can do to address difficult issues and improve things. As a dignity advisor I offer a friendly, safe, and non-judgemental dialogue.
Ruhana Begum (currently unavailable)
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction - Professional Services
June Campbell
Finance Services am the UCL Insurance Manager, part of Legal Services in Finance and Business Affairs. Having been in my current role for nearly 10 years I've been through a few restructures and changes to the working environment with colleagues. Work is a big part of most people's lives and I feel it's important that the time we spend there, should on the whole be a positive experience, however, other factors can sometimes contribute to the opposite. It's better if possible, to deal with an issue in the early stages. I have previous experience as an online mentor for an anti-bullying charity.
Danielle Swanson
Students' Union UCL
- Provost & Vice-Provost Offices
- Lillie Chopamba (staff only)
Student and Registry Services
I have recently joined UCL as a Resources and Operations Administrator in the Student and Registry services. I have degrees in Psychology and Human Resources Management and Employment Relations. It is very important to have initiatives in place to ensure the workplace is not only an environment in which individuals can feel free to be themselves and want work hard, but one they also feel safe in. I am proud to be part of UCL's effort to ensure this. - School of Slavonic & East European Studies (SSEES)
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- IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
- Grace Jackson-Cole
IOE - Governance & Operations
I currently work in the Recruitment and Payments team in the IOE. Prior to this I worked for 8 years within a refugee charity providing advice and support to refugees and asylum seekers. In my spare time I volunteer as a mentor to young people from disadvantaged areas.
Passionate about fairness and equality of opportunity, I am able to provide a safe and non-judgemental space in which people can consider all their available options and find a positive way forward.Amanda McCrory
IOE - Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment Amanda McCrory is a Lecturer in Science and Primary Education at the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. She has been working in education for over twenty years; in both schools, as a teacher and leader, and more recently as an academic in higher education. She is passionate about engaging schools and young people in STEM learning; enabling students to become scientifically literate so they can become fully engaged citizens of the future. Her research is driven by social justice and a passion to address inequalities in education and society, giving all children, but especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, life chances. She also co-edits of the Journal of Emergent Science. She has an interest in research on ethics, pedagogy, class and race, and education. As a dignity advisor, Amanda can offer you confidential advice on various options to resolve your situation if you have experienced bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct.
Gideon SapporIOE - Learning & Leadership
Gideon is a Lecturer (teaching), working across different teacher education programmes at the Department of Learning and Leadership at the IOE. His lecturing commitments also include the Education MA and as a dissertation supervisor. He is also involved in supervision of doctoral students. He has over 11 years’ experience as a primary class teacher, serving various roles in the classroom and whole school leadership.Lisa FridkinIOE - Social Research Institute
Hello, I am a Lecturer in Psychology in the Social Research Institute. I have worked at UCL since 2018 but joined the UCL community in 2009 as a PG student in the Dept. of Psychology and Human Development. We spend so much time at work, it can be very challenging if things aren't right. Somebody listening and offering impartial and practical advice can be an important step in getting things back on track. I trained as a Dignity Advisor so I can support colleagues who do not find their workplace a fair and inclusive environment. - Faculty of Medical Sciences
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