5 ways to look after yourself during self-isolation
11 November 2020
If you’re self-isolating, it is important to look after your mental and physical health. Read our top tips for looking after yourself and find out how UCL can support you.
1. Look after your mind
During your time in self-isolation, it is important to look after your mental health. Student Psychological and Counselling Services are running daily online events to support you, ranging from mindfulness and stress management techniques. View our calendar of events and book your space here.
All of our support services are still available to you, and we are only a phone call or email away. Find out more on our mental health and wellbeing support pages. There are also online resources available to you: try Fika, the new mental fitness app, or MindSET, a free online interactive resource to help young people manage feelings of anxiety and distress.
2. Look after your body
It can be tempting to let your physical health take a back seat during this time, but there is a strong link between good physical and mental health. Even in a small space, you can make the most of opportunities to move your body. UCL is running many online exercise classes, and you could also join an Exercise with Us class, run specifically for students in self-isolation.
In your self-isolation, also make sure to monitor your health and how you are feeling. Try to eat nourishing foods and plenty of fruit and vegetables to support your immune system. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Finally, try to give yourself breaks from screens to give yourself (and your eyes) some time out.
3. Create a routine
Creating a routine for yourself could be beneficial for working out how to divide up your time and carve out time for studying and relaxing. You'll still need to continue with your university studies during self-isolation, but it is important to leave time for you to relax too. Read about how Martina spent her time in quarantine to find out more about creating a routine.
4. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself
Remember that we are living amid a pandemic, and self-isolation might be difficult - and that‘s okay. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be the most productive or efficient person. It might be tempting to work really hard on your degree, or try and complete Netflix – but a healthy balance sits in between the two.
5. Connect with others
While you may not be able to see people in person, remember to stay in touch with others. Whether you prefer to do this with phone or videocalls, doing a virtual cook-along, playing a game or watching a film with your friends and family, make an effort to schedule in time for this to ensure that while you are isolating, you don’t feel isolated.