
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Russian Short Courses


See How to Enrol for more information and deadlines.


Autumn Term  Lessons 1-10

Spring term  Lessons 11 - 20Summer term  Lessons 21 - 30
Russian Beginners Monday RS111Monday RS121Monday RS131
Russian Beginners Monday RS112Monday RS122Monday RS132
Russian Lower Intermediate Tuesdays RS211Tuesdays RS221Tuesday RS231
Russian Upper IntermediateTuesdays RS311Tuesdays RS321Tuesdays RS331
Russian Lower AdvancedThursdays RS411Thursdays RS421Thursdays RS431
Russian AdvancedWednesdays RS511Wednesdays RS521Wednesdays RS531

All classes are online and last two hours and commence at 6.30pm.

Please note that due to high demand, we run multiple groups for a number of levels. If you are applying online, please also email eveningcourses@ucl.ac.uk specifying your preferred day. If you are applying by form, please specify your preference somewhere on your form or email. If you do not, we will allocate you to a group at random. All enrolments operate on a first come first served basis until capacity is reached.

If you are a new student applying to join at a level above Beginners, please see the How To Enrol page for details on the Russian assessment process.

Please note these are 30-week courses split into three 10-week terms. New students with sufficient knowledge of the language can enrol for lessons 11-20 and/or 21-30, but complete beginners must start in October.