Bas Aarts Professor of English Linguistics; Director of the Survey of English Usage | Email: Phone: 020 7679 3130 Internal phone: 33130 |
Kathryn Allan Associate Professor in the History of English; English Linguistics | Email: External phone: 020 7679 7653 Internal phone: 37653 |
Juliette Atkinson Associate Professor in English; nineteenth-century literature. | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3146 Internal phone: 33146 |
Scarlett Baron Associate Professor in English; twentieth-century literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 7728 Internal phone: 37728 |
Matthew Beaumont Professor of English; nineteenth and early twentieth-century literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 2567 Internal phone: 32567 |
Stella Bruzzi Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email: External phone: 020 7679 7195 Internal phone: 37195 |
Marilyn Corrie Lecturer in English Medieval literature; manuscripts and vernacular culture | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3131 Internal phone: 33131 |
Gregory Dart Professor of English; Romantic Period Literature; Hazlitt, Lamb, the nineteenth-century city, the essay form, crime fiction, opera | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3139 Internal phone: 33139 |
Paul Davis Professor of English; Restoration and eighteenth-century literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3125 Internal phone: 33125 |
Benjamin Dawson Teaching Fellow in English Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3140 Internal phone: 33140 |
Rachele De Felice Teaching Fellow in English Linguistics | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3226 Internal phone: 33226 |
Dennis Duncan Lecturer in Literature in English 1900-1950 | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3121 Internal phone: 33121 |
Karen Dwyer Teaching Fellow in English grammar and research methodology | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3120 Internal phone: 33120 |
Amy Faulkner Teaching Fellow in Medieval English Literature | Email: |
Mark Ford Professor of English; nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty-first century British, American, and French literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3129 Internal phone: 33129 |
Linda Freedman Associate Professor in English; nineteenth and twentieth-century literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3137 Internal phone: 33137 |
Helen Hackett Professor of English; Renaissance literature; Shakespeare; Elizabeth I in literature; Renaissance women writers; Renaissance prose fiction; early modern Catholic writing; afterlives of Shakespeare and Renaissance literature (Graduate Tutor) | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3127 Internal phone: 33127 |
Owen Holland Teaching Fellow in nineteenth-century literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3139 Internal phone: 33139 |
Rachel E. Holmes Teaching Fellow in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3150 Internal phone: 33150 |
Philip Horne Professor of English; Henry James; Victorian literature; modern literature; film | Email: External Phone: 020 7679 3123 Internal phone: 33123 |
Susan Irvine Quain Professor of English Language and Literature; Old English literature and language | Email: External Phone: 020 3108 1080 Internal phone: 51080 |
Natalie Jones Lecturer in Middle English Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3142 Internal phone: 33142 |
Julia Jordan Associate Professor of English; twentieth-century literature in English | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3124 Internal phone: 33142 |
Eric Langley Associate Professor in English; Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3143 Internal phone: 33143 |
Victoria Moul | Email: External phone: 0207 679 4598 Internal phone 24598 |
John Mullan Lord Northcliffe Chair of Modern English Literature; (Head of Department) | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3144 Internal phone: 33144 |
Richard North Professor of English; heroic and heathen themes in Old English and Old Icelandic literature, especially Beowulf and tenth-century skaldic poetry | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3122 Internal phone: 33122 |
Anthony Ossa-Richardson Lecturer in Early Modern Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3659 Internal phone: 33659 |
Charlotte Roberts Lecturer in English Literature 1700-1830 | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3145 Internal phone: 33145 |
Alison Shell Professor of English; Renaissance literature and Shakespeare; literature and religion from the Reformation to the present day | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3150 Internal phone: 33150 |
Nicholas Spengler Teching Fellow in Engish Literature | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3129 Intrnal phone: 33129 |
Matthew Sperling Lecturer in Literature in English from 1900 to the Present Day | Email: External phone: 020 7679 3148 Internal phone: 33148 |
Chris Stamatakis | Email: External phone: 020 7679 7343 Internal phone: 37343 |
Hugh Stevens Senior Lecturer in English; Nineteenth and twentieth-century English and American literature; gay and lesbian writing | Email: External phone: 020 7679 2938 Internal phone: 32938 |
Peter Swaab Professor of English; Romantics; Shakespeare; modern poetry | Email: External Phone: 020 7679 3140 Internal Phone: 33140 |
Christine (Xine) Yao Lecturer in American Literature to 1900 | Email: