Useful resources and courses related to Academic Integrity
The following resources are available at UCL to help you develop good academic practice:
Understanding Academic Integrity and Developing Good Academic Practice at UCL
(hosted on Moodle)
This is an online and self-paced course, designed to help you develop good academic practice for completing assessments. It addresses all aspects of academic integrity and emerging concerns like the use of Generative AI in academia.
On completion of all required activities and a success rate in the quiz, you will receive a certificate of completion. This will serve as evidence of your commitment to academic integrity and can be shared with shared with your department or faculty if requested.
Find out more about the Academic Integrity course.
Turnitin Similarity Checker
(hosted in Moodle)
This Moodle course provides UCL staff and students a chance to check your own work confidentially using the Turnitin Similarity tool.
Academic Communication Support and Resources
There is a range of services and resources available across UCL to support you with your academic writing and speaking.
Access academic communications resources.
UCL Library Guide to References, Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism
Get to know UCL’s referencing and citation requirements, and make sure you can follow the specific referencing requirements of your discipline - contact your department if there are any doubts.
Students’ Union UCL Advice Service
The Students’ Union UCL can offer support and guidance for students accused of Academic Misconduct.
Visit the Students' Union website.
Student Regulations for Exams and Assessments
Regulations for all of UCL's different types of assessments are published annually on the Academic Manual website, and should be read in conjunction with Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes which includes UCL’s full regulations for assessing taught students, including module assessment, progression, classification, and the Extenuating Circumstances procedures.
Read the Student Regulations for Exams and Assessments.
Research Integrity
Research integrity applies to all those undertaking research at or in collaboration with UCL staff and students. Therefore, all student research needs to also comply with the Statement on Research integrity and the Framework for research integrity.
Find out more about Research Integrity.
Copyright for Research
Find some key information on copyright issues.
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