Life and Love of the Gerla: In Search of the Female Soviet Hippie
07 March 2016, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Event Information
Room 433, UCL SSEES, 16 Taviton Street WC1H 0BW
Juliane Fürst (University of Bristol) explores the 'Life and Love of the Gerla: In Search of the Female Soviet Hippie', in this Centre for Russian Studies: Modern Russian History seminar.
Juliane Fürst is Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the University
of Bristol. She studies aspects of the social and cultural history of the
Soviet Union.
Her first book Stalin’s Last Generation: Soviet Youth and the Emergence of Mature Socialism (OUP, 2010) looks at Soviet youth and youth cultures in the first decade after the Second World War and argues that the Soviet Union, like its Western European neighbours, experienced a shift from collective youth identities based on shared ideological convictions to a youth culture characterised by consumption and increasing fragmentation.
The recipient of a large AHRC recent grant to investigate ‘Dropping Out of Socialism’, she is now in the final stages of a new book on the history of the Soviet hippy community.