Introduction to Quantitative Methods

1. Introduction to Quantitative Analysis

1.1 Seminar

Setting a Working Directory

Before you begin, make sure to set your working directory to a folder where your course related files such as R scripts and datasets are kept. We recommend that you create a PUBLG100 folder for all your work. Create this folder on N: drive if you're using a UCL computer or somewhere on your local disk if you're using a personal laptop.

Once the folder is created, use the setwd() function in R to set your working directory.

Recommended Folder Location R Function
UCL Computers N: Drive setwd("N:/PUBLG100")
Personal Laptop (Windows) C: Drive setwd("C:/PUBLG100")
Personal Laptop (Mac) Home Folder setwd("~/PUBLG100")

After you've set the working directory, verify it by calling the getwd() function.


Now download the R script for this seminar from the "Download .R Script" button above, and save it to your PUBLG100 folder.

If you're using a UCL computer, please make sure you're running R version 3.2.0. Some of the seminar tasks and exercises will not work with older versions of R. Click here for help on how to start the new version of R on UCL computers.

R Introduction

Let's get acquainted with R.

Take a look at R Studio. See the 4 windows:

  • Upper-Left : R-script.
  • Lower-Left : Console.
  • Upper-Right : Environment (data, variables, ...)
  • Lower-Right : Plots, help file, packages etc.

We begin by walking through the steps for creating and saving an R script.

  • Create a new R script and save it as lab1.R to your PUBLG100 directory.
  • Now type the following commands in the new file you just created:
# Create a numeric and a character variable
a <- 5 
typeof(a) # a is a numeric variable
[1] "double"
[1] 5
b <- "Yay stats class"
typeof(b) # b is a string variable
[1] "character"
[1] "Yay stats class"

Save your script, and re-open it to make sure your changes are still there.

# Create a vector
my.vector <- c(10,-7,99,34,0,-5) # a vector
[1] 10 -7 99 34  0 -5
length(my.vector) # how many elements?
[1] 6
# subsetting
my.vector[1] # 1st vector element
[1] 10
my.vector[-1] # all elements but the 1st
[1] -7 99 34  0 -5
my.vector[2:4] # the 2nd to the 4th elements
[1] -7 99 34
my.vector[c(2,5)] # 2nd and 5th element
[1] -7  0
my.vector[length(my.vector)] # the last element
[1] -5
# delete variable 'a' from workspace
# delete everything from workspace

# create a matrix
# type help("matrix") into the console and press ENTER
# read Description, Usage and Arguments
my.matrix1 <- matrix(data = c(1,2,30,40,500,600), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                     dimnames = NULL)
my.matrix2 <- matrix(data = c(1,2,30,40,500,600), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
# How are the matrices different?
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]   30   40
[3,]  500  600
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1   30  500
[2,]    2   40  600
# subsetting a matrix
my.matrix1[1,2] # element in row 1 and column 2
[1] 2
my.matrix1[2,1] # element in row 2 and column 1
[1] 30
my.matrix1[,1] # 1st column only
[1]   1  30 500
my.matrix1[1:2,] # rows 1 to 2
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]   30   40
my.matrix1[c(1,3),] # rows 1 and 3
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]  500  600
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# let's look at countries after WW2
# were western countries more democratic than the rest?
# (we proxy the "West" by NATO members) 

# load the Polity IV dataset <- read.csv("")

# View( # opens a window with the data set
dim( # returns number of rows and columns
[1] 16894     7[1:10,] # look at the top 10 rows of the data set
   id scode                          country year polity2 democ nato
1   1   AFG Afghanistan                      1800      -6     1    0
2   2   AFG Afghanistan                      1801      -6     1    0
3   3   AFG Afghanistan                      1802      -6     1    0
4   4   AFG Afghanistan                      1803      -6     1    0
5   5   AFG Afghanistan                      1804      -6     1    0
6   6   AFG Afghanistan                      1805      -6     1    0
7   7   AFG Afghanistan                      1806      -6     1    0
8   8   AFG Afghanistan                      1807      -6     1    0
9   9   AFG Afghanistan                      1808      -6     1    0
10 10   AFG Afghanistan                      1809      -6     1    0
names( # the variable names in the data set
[1] "id"      "scode"   "country" "year"    "polity2" "democ"   "nato"   
# we saw the variable name country but we only saw Afghanistan in the 
# first 10 rows. Are there other countries in the data set?
levels($country) # levels displays levels of a factor variable
  [1] "Afghanistan                     " "Albania                         "
  [3] "Algeria                         " "Angola                          "
  [5] "Argentina                       " "Armenia                         "
  [7] "Australia                       " "Austria                         "
  [9] "Azerbaijan                      " "Baden                           "
 [11] "Bahrain                         " "Bangladesh                      "
 [13] "Bavaria                         " "Belarus                         "
 [15] "Belgium                         " "Benin                           "
 [17] "Bhutan                          " "Bolivia                         "
 [19] "Bosnia                          " "Botswana                        "
 [21] "Brazil                          " "Bulgaria                        "
 [23] "Burkina Faso                    " "Burundi                         "
 [25] "Cambodia                        " "Cameroon                        "
 [27] "Canada                          " "Cape Verde                      "
 [29] "Central African Republic        " "Chad                            "
 [31] "Chile                           " "China                           "
 [33] "Colombia                        " "Comoros                         "
 [35] "Congo Brazzaville               " "Congo Kinshasa                  "
 [37] "Costa Rica                      " "Croatia                         "
 [39] "Cuba                            " "Cyprus                          "
 [41] "Czech Republic                  " "Czechoslovakia                  "
 [43] "Denmark                         " "Djibouti                        "
 [45] "Dominican Republic              " "East Timor                      "
 [47] "Ecuador                         " "Egypt                           "
 [49] "El Salvador                     " "Equatorial Guinea               "
 [51] "Eritrea                         " "Estonia                         "
 [53] "Ethiopia                        " "Fiji                            "
 [55] "Finland                         " "France                          "
 [57] "Gabon                           " "Gambia                          "
 [59] "Georgia                         " "Germany                         "
 [61] "Germany East                    " "Germany West                    "
 [63] "Ghana                           " "Gran Colombia                   "
 [65] "Greece                          " "Guatemala                       "
 [67] "Guinea                          " "Guinea-Bissau                   "
 [69] "Guyana                          " "Haiti                           "
 [71] "Honduras                        " "Hungary                         "
 [73] "India                           " "Indonesia                       "
 [75] "Iran                            " "Iraq                            "
 [77] "Ireland                         " "Israel                          "
 [79] "Italy                           " "Ivory Coast                     "
 [81] "Jamaica                         " "Japan                           "
 [83] "Jordan                          " "Kazakhstan                      "
 [85] "Kenya                           " "Korea                           "
 [87] "Korea North                     " "Korea South                     "
 [89] "Kosovo                          " "Kuwait                          "
 [91] "Kyrgyzstan                      " "Laos                            "
 [93] "Latvia                          " "Lebanon                         "
 [95] "Lesotho                         " "Liberia                         "
 [97] "Libya                           " "Lithuania                       "
 [99] "Luxembourg                      " "Macedonia                       "
[101] "Madagascar                      " "Malawi                          "
[103] "Malaysia                        " "Mali                            "
[105] "Mauritania                      " "Mauritius                       "
[107] "Mexico                          " "Modena                          "
[109] "Moldova                         " "Mongolia                        "
[111] "Montenegro                      " "Morocco                         "
[113] "Mozambique                      " "Myanmar (Burma)                 "
[115] "Namibia                         " "Nepal                           "
[117] "Netherlands                     " "New Zealand                     "
[119] "Nicaragua                       " "Niger                           "
[121] "Nigeria                         " "Norway                          "
[123] "Oman                            " "Orange Free State               "
[125] "Pakistan                        " "Panama                          "
[127] "Papal States                    " "Papua New Guinea                "
[129] "Paraguay                        " "Parma                           "
[131] "Peru                            " "Philippines                     "
[133] "Poland                          " "Portugal                        "
[135] "Prussia                         " "Qatar                           "
[137] "Romania                         " "Russia                          "
[139] "Rwanda                          " "Sardinia                        "
[141] "Saudi Arabia                    " "Saxony                          "
[143] "Senegal                         " "Serbia                          "
[145] "Serbia and Montenegro           " "Sierra Leone                    "
[147] "Singapore                       " "Slovak Republic                 "
[149] "Slovenia                        " "Solomon Islands                 "
[151] "Somalia                         " "South Africa                    "
[153] "South Sudan                     " "Spain                           "
[155] "Sri Lanka                       " "Sudan                           "
[157] "Sudan-North                     " "Suriname                        "
[159] "Swaziland                       " "Sweden                          "
[161] "Switzerland                     " "Syria                           "
[163] "Taiwan                          " "Tajikistan                      "
[165] "Tanzania                        " "Thailand                        "
[167] "Togo                            " "Trinidad and Tobago             "
[169] "Tunisia                         " "Turkey                          "
[171] "Turkmenistan                    " "Tuscany                         "
[173] "Two Sicilies                    " "UAE                             "
[175] "Uganda                          " "Ukraine                         "
[177] "United Kingdom                  " "United Province CA              "
[179] "United States                   " "Uruguay                         "
[181] "USSR                            " "Uzbekistan                      "
[183] "Venezuela                       " "Vietnam                         "
[185] "Vietnam North                   " "Vietnam South                   "
[187] "Wuerttemburg                    " "Yemen                           "
[189] "Yemen North                     " "Yemen South                     "
[191] "Yugoslavia                      " "Zambia                          "
[193] "Zimbabwe                        "
# we drop all oberservations which are not from 1946 <-[$year==1946,][1:10,]
       id scode                          country year polity2 democ nato
147   147   AFG Afghanistan                      1946     -10     0    0
248   248   ALB Albania                          1946      -9     0    0
531   531   ARG Argentina                        1946      -8   -88    0
669   669   AUL Australia                        1946      10    10    0
884   884   AUS Austria                          1946      10    10    0
1262 1262   BEL Belgium                          1946      10    10    1
1480 1480   BHU Bhutan                           1946     -10     0    0
1737 1737   BOL Bolivia                          1946      -5     1    0
2000 2000   BRA Brazil                           1946       7     7    0
2189 2189   BUL Bulgaria                         1946      -6     0    0
summary($polity2) # descriptive statistics of polity variable
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
-10.0000  -7.0000  -1.0000   0.2319   8.0000  10.0000        3 
# now lets check if western countries were more democratic than the other countries in 1946
    -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10
  0   4  7  3  3  4  3  2  5  3 1 1 5 1 1 3 2 2  8
  1   0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  9
# descriptive summary stats of polity variable by nato membership 
summary($polity2[$nato==0]) # not in nato
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
-10.000  -7.000  -3.000  -1.207   4.750  10.000       3 
summary($polity2[$nato==1]) # nato member
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 -9.000  10.000  10.000   7.818  10.000  10.000 
## illustration
boxplot($polity2 ~ as.factor($nato),
        frame = FALSE,
        main = "Polity IV Scores of NATO founders vs others in 1946",
        xlab = "NATO member",
        ylab = "Polity Score")

# plots you can do with R
 # ATTENTION: maps v3.0 has an updated 'world' map.        #
 # Many country borders and names have changed since 1990. #
 # Type '?world' or 'news(package="maps")'. See README_v3. #
    c('UK', 'Ireland', 'Isle of Man','Isle of Wight'),
    xlim=c(-11,3), ylim=c(49,60.9))
# where are we?
# let's check google maps to find latitude and longitude of SPP
# it's: 51.525051, -0.130186
points(-0.130186,51.525051,col=2,pch=20,cex=1.8) # note longitude goes first

Additional Resources


  1. Close and then re-open RStudio.
  2. If your workspace is not empty, clear it.
  3. Check your working directory in R.
  4. Change your working directory to your folder N:/PUBLG100.
  5. Create a vector with all even elements between 1 and 11 in ascending order.
  6. Delete the last element from your vector.
  7. Create a square matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns.

    • Row 1: smallest positive integers divisible by 3, in ascending order.
    • Row 2: smallest prime numbers, in ascending order.
    • Row 3: greatest mutiples of 6, smaller than 60, in descending order.
  8. Change the elements on the main diagonal to 1's.

  9. Load "polity.csv" and call your data frame "df".
  10. Pick the year 1991 and drop all observations from the data set that are not from 1991.
  11. Summarize the variable democ (stands for democracy) and produce a frequency table.
  12. Delete all observations from the data where democ < 0.
  13. Print a histogram of the democracy -- type help("hist").