


Assessment prep starts now!

27 May 2022

This year's Late Summer Assessment Period starts on 22 August. James Davis, 2nd year History student, shares how you can take some easy steps now to reduce any last-minute revision stress.

Two students with laptop

Late Summer Assessment season is just around the corner and preparation starts now!  

Firstly, it’s ok to acknowledge how tough the last couple of years have been. Reach out to lecturers, tutors, friends or family if you need help! Check out this page with some great advice on maintaining a healthy body and mind: Staying healthy during assessment season.  

Nevertheless, revision doesn’t have to be stressful so here are a few tips to avoid a last-minute cramming session: 


Create a timetable that works towards the exam day. Use your notes, your Moodle module areas and past tests or essays to work out your weaknesses and start to fill in the gaps.

There’s a host of revision planning apps such as ‘MyStudyLife’ that can make planning ahead easier, take a look: Effective assessment revision

Little and often 

Making revision a daily habit is key to success. Finding ways to boost your ability to recall key information will make the exam day less stressful, even in open-book scenarios. Experiment with cue cards and memory games to ensure that you don’t just re-read information passively.  

Knowing the exam  

We have a lot of different assessment types at UCL. Your assessment timetable and module information will detail what type of assessment(s) you will be sitting. If you are taking a Controlled Condition Exam, you might find it helpful to check out this archive of past papers: Electronic Exam Papers Service. Familiarising yourself with the exam format never goes amiss but equally past papers are a useful resource to focus your revision, especially if you’re unsure of where to start. Also, don’t be afraid to contact your module tutor with any queries about the exam. 

Managing your time 

Pace yourself to avoid burnout. If you work for 30 minutes give yourself 5 minutes break (length of study and break can be adjusted to suit you).

Set aside some revision time each day and don’t be afraid to get some air, grab a coffee and switch locations if you start getting fidgety. 

Remaining focused 

Finding the right place to study can make a big difference. It’s always good to keep work away from places you use to relax such as your bedroom, so make the most of UCL libraries and study spaces. Digital distractions can be difficult to manage, last year Cheryl Li recommended downloading an app called ‘Forest’ to help manage this obstacle – you can read more here: 5 ways to revise effectively

Remember, there are plenty more revision resources available from UCL. Explore the wide range of guides on the Exams and Assessments hub -  the 'Assessment Success Guide' is especially worth a read if you're taking Controlled Condition Exams or Take-home papers.

Good luck!