


…And relax!

21 May 2019

With summer exams coming to an end, it’s important to get those stress levels back on track. Here are some ways you can kick back, relax and look after yourself.

shoes over edge of cliff overlooking sea

 Exams are over and summer is just around the corner. It's time to elimate the stress, relax and enjoy yourself!

1. Clear your study/work area

As they say, out of sight, out of mind. Physically clearing away all those notes and textbooks will create peace of mind, allowing you to de-stress. Don’t go into a destroying frenzy just yet, as you may need the notes later on.

2. Get outside

The warmer weather is just around the corner, so get your running shoes on, head down to the coast or maybe round up your friends for a picnic in the park. Make the best of the summer and do things that you enjoy!

3. Good ol’ journaling

If you’re looking for something a little more calming, why not scribble the stress away? Writing your thoughts and ideas down can be a great way to lighten the load of all that’s on your mind. Maybe jot down what you’re most proud of this year, what you enjoyed most/least and what you’re looking forward to.

4. Repay your sleep debt

Those long nights studying would have left you time-poor and sleep-deprived. Now is the perfect time to catch up and it’s vital that you do! Try to make a routine of getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

5. Don’t judge a book by its cover

Reading for enjoyment may have been a distant dream during the academic year. The summer break will provide you with the best opportunity to grab a book, settle down and truly immerse yourself. Head to the beach, cosy up in the corner of a coffee shop or squeeze in a chapter or two before you sleep.

6. Play catch-up

The days of revision schedules and exam timetables are long gone! Start to organise all those social meet-ups you’ve put on hold and make them happen. Catching up and spending time with friends and family can be a great way to wind down and reconnect!

7. Do something new

Always wanted to try your hand at something new? How about pottery, a martial art, solo travelling or teaching yourself a new digital skill? All possibilities are within your reach! Commit to a new challenge now – you’ll thank yourself later.

8. Off with the pressure

We’ve all been there. Worrying about how exams went until results day can be stressful. It’s important to stay calm and try to engage in other activities. Know that you did your best and that you should be very proud of yourself!

There’s no right or wrong way to relax. As an individual, do whatever works best for you. Don’t forget to reward yourself, exams have been difficult to say the least and you’ve made it through!

Ayesha Khan, Communications and Projects Adviser, Student Support and Wellbeing