The Faculty of Brain Sciences brings together expertise in neurology, ophthalmology, audiology, psychology and language sciences, cognitive neuroscience and mental health.
The Faculty of Life Sciences undertakes world-leading research and teaching in life science disciplines ranging from neuroscience to the biology of molecules, cells and organisms.
The Faculty of Medical Sciences brings together UCL Medical School and six of UCL's Divisions and Institutes, creating a powerhouse of medical science research and teaching.
The Faculty of Population Health Sciences delivers outstanding research and teaching for improved human health. The work is informed by the unifying concept of the life course.
Institutional spotlight
The UCL Ear Institute brings together some of the most influential academics and clinicians in the world with a passion to understand hearing and fight deafness.
The UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology has a world class reputation for neuroscience. The mission is to translate neuroscience discovery research into treatments for patients with neurological diseases.
The UCL Institute of Ophthalmology works in partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital to lead the way in vision research.
The UCL Division of Psychiatry is an interdisciplinary centre for research and teaching concerned with mental health and illness.
At UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience we undertake world-leading research in human mind and brain, in both health and disease. We bring together researchers from different disciplines such as psychology, neurology and anatomy.
The MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases pursues a long-term research strategy with a mission to develop diagnostic tests and treatments for these incurable disorders through an understanding of their fundamental biology.
The UCL Division of Biosciences is one of the world's foremost centres for research and teaching in the biological sciences.
The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit studies neural computational theories of perception and action in neural and machine systems, with an emphasis on learning.
The UCL School of Pharmacy is dedicated to teaching and research in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
UCL Medical School is committed to excellence in undergraduate and postgraduate education and has a strong reputation for teaching informed by cutting-edge research.
The UCL Cancer Institute translates research discoveries into developing better, more effective treatments to improve outcomes for cancer patients.
UCL Eastman Dental Institute is the largest postgraduate dental school in Europe and has a reputation as one of the world’s leading academic centres for dentistry.
The UCL Division of Infection and Immunity is a vibrant community of world- class scientists conducting basic and applied research in immunology, virology and microbiology.
The UCL Division of Medicine undertakes world-leading basic and translational research that impacts upon understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health aims to improve the health and well-being of children, and the adults they will become, through world-class research, education and public engagement.
The UCL EGA Institute for Women's Health makes a real and sustainable difference to women's and babies’ health locally, nationally and worldwide
The UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science is a world-class centre of excellence in pioneering novel, integrative strategies in preventative and therapeutic cardiovascular medicine
The UCL Institute for Global Health implements UCL’s Grand Challenge of Global Health, a cross disciplinary initiative to provide innovative, workable solutions to global health problems.