Research-based education
At UCL, your undergraduate programme is informed by the world-leading research of our incredible academic staff.
Innovative research-based education
We use a wide variety of teaching methods, beyond the traditional lecture and seminar, giving you the chance to apply your knowledge and build your skills for your future career.
Through our Connected Curriculum you make connections with researchers and other students, undertake research activity of your own and create original output.
The UCL Living Lab programme enables students to use the university campus and operations as a test bed for research.
Taking on the Grand Challenges
At UCL, we believe the best way to solve a problem is to bring together thinking from different academic disciplines.
This is reflected in the UCL Grand Challenges, our joined-up approach to the world's most pressing problems.
Our Global citizenship programme
UCL's Global Citizenship Programme offers you the chance to put your studies in a global context, learn new skills and see the world differently, and is designed to help you prepare for the world beyond graduation.
You’ll work collaboratively, in inter-disciplinary groups, to understand the challenges posed by real-world problems, contribute to finding solutions and develop the qualities of a global citizen.
Shape your University experience
Education is changing, and you're the ones changing it. We see our students as partners in teaching and learning.
You might decide to stand for office as a Student Academic Representative (a StAR) to represent the interests of your fellow students to the academic staff who teach you.
Alternatively, you might decide to lead a UCL ChangeMakers project, where you'll receive funding to collaborate with staff to investigate issues that are important to you and make recommendations about the ways UCL can support you in your studies.
Study abroad with UCL
We encourage you to study abroad and the opportunity extends beyond the 60 or so UCL degree programmes that include a year abroad as an integral part of the curriculum (for example, degrees with "International" or "Year Abroad" in their title, or our Modern Languages degrees).
Many UCL departments offer the chance to study abroad, and a Study Abroad Fair is held every year so you can find out what opportunities are on offer.