
Information Services Division


Create a meeting in Outlook 2016 for Windows

To schedule a meeting, you create an invitation that you send to attendees. Responses to your invitation (e.g. accept/decline) will appear in your Inbox.


Meetings are similar to appointments where by you also invite other people to the event. Example of meetings could be a gathering to discuss a project with group members, a one-to-one meeting or a group event.

1. In Calendar view, click on the New Meeting button on the top left of the page.

Fig 1. Location of New Meeting button…

Fig 1. Location of New Meeting button
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2. Fill in the necessary information for the meeting you want to set up.

To… – Attendee to be invited to the meeting.
Subject - Subject title for the appointment.
Location – Type the location of where the meeting will occur.

Tip: If your department has rooms which are listed as calendars within live @ UCL (known as a resource calendar), you can also add these rooms as the location to book them. Select Rooms and choose the required room from the Global Address List.

Start time - Select the date and start time of the appointment.
End time - Select the date and end time of the appointment.
Description box – Type in any description or details of the appointment for your own reference.

Fig 2. Example of a New Meeting window…

Fig 2. Example of a New Meeting window
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3. Click Send once you have completed the necessary details and you have now successfully sent out a meeting invitation and created a meeting.

Fig 3. Location of the Send button in a New Meeting window…

Fig 3. Location of the Send button in a New Meeting window
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4. There should now be an entry for the meeting in your calendar.

Fig 4. Example of a new meeting in a calendar…

Fig 4. Example of a new meeting in a calendar
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