Create a meeting in Outlook 2016 for Windows
To schedule a meeting, you create an invitation that you send to attendees. Responses to your invitation (e.g. accept/decline) will appear in your Inbox.
Meetings are similar to appointments where by you also invite other people to the event. Example of meetings could be a gathering to discuss a project with group members, a one-to-one meeting or a group event.
1. In Calendar view, click on the New Meeting button on the top left of the page.

Fig 1. Location of New Meeting button
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2. Fill in the necessary information for the meeting you want to set up.
To… – Attendee to be invited to the meeting.
Subject - Subject title for the appointment.
Location – Type the location of where the meeting will occur.
Tip: If your department has rooms which are listed as calendars within live @ UCL (known as a resource calendar), you can also add these rooms as the location to book them. Select Rooms and choose the required room from the Global Address List.
Start time - Select the date and start time of the appointment.
End time - Select the date and end time of the appointment.
Description box – Type in any description or details of the appointment for your own reference.

Fig 2. Example of a New Meeting window
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3. Click Send once you have completed the necessary details and you have now successfully sent out a meeting invitation and created a meeting.

Fig 3. Location of the Send button in a New Meeting window
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4. There should now be an entry for the meeting in your calendar.

Fig 4. Example of a new meeting in a calendar
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Related guides and other info:
- Get started with calendar
- Change calendar view
- Create an appointment
- Modify an appointment
- Create a repeated meeting
- Create an all-day event
- Modify a meeting
- Share your calendar
- Accept a calendar share invitation
- View other people's calendar
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