Student Support and Wellbeing does not offer emergency support - if you're in immediate danger of hurting yourself or others:
- Go directly to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of your local hospital to get help
- UCLH is the nearest A&E department to UCL’s main campus
- Call 999 to request an ambulance if you are unable to reach the hospital yourself
If you're feeling distressed and need urgent support:
- Contact your GP surgery to request an emergency appointment
- If your GP surgery isn't open, call the free NHS out-of-hours medical line on 111 for help accessing the right services
- You can call the Samaritans on 116 123 to talk to someone at any time, day or night
- Nightline are a listening service for students, by students - they're available overnight on +44 (0)207 631 0101
- Other external support services include Hopeline UK, Maytree and Calm.
Please look at the crisis support page to find information on who to contact if you are experiencing a crisis or if you're feeling distressed and need urgent support and information about external services that are available to you.
Further information and resources regarding suicide prevention and support is available for students to access – this includes guidance on what to do if you’re having suicidal thoughts.