Appendix 1 - Health Professions Council Standards of Proficiency
Table of Contents
A brief introduction to the course
Course Organisation
- 1 - Course Purpose, Values and Philosophy
- 2 - Clinical Psychology Staff
- 3 - Computing and Library Resources
- 4 – Course Committees
Teaching Programme
Guidance On Setting Up The Placement
- 7 - Placement Schedule
- 8 - Clinical Placement Guidelines and Contracts
- 9 – Template for all placement contracts
- 10 - Consulting with experts by experience/carer representatives and Interprofessional learning on placement
Procedures for Monitoring the Placement
- 11 - Assessing progression on placement over the three years of training
- 12 - Overview of Procedures for monitoring placements
- 13 - Content of the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) interview
- 14 – Overview of forms used by supervisors to evaluate placements
- 15 – End of placement review: guide to the content of supervisor and trainee feedback forms
- 16 - Clinical Portfolio
Research requirements
- 17 - The research component: an overview
- 18 - The Service Related Research Project
- 19 - The Major Research Project
Academic Assessments
Course Regulations and criteria for Passing and Failing each course component
- 22 – Programme regulations (assessment procedures and the role of the Board of Examines)
- 23 - Plagiarism
- 24 - Procedures for passing and failing examinations
- 25 - Procedures relating to passing and failing clinical reports and service related research report
- 26 - Procedures relating to passing and failing the major research component
- 27 - Procedures relating to passing and failing placements
Fitness to Practice procedures
- 28 - Procedure for the assessment of fitness to practise in a professional capacity for students on professional programmes at UCL
- 29 - Fitness to practice: guide for students
Appeals, Grievances and Complaints
- 30 – Complaints in relation to course procedure & complaints in relation to discrimination or harassment
- 31 - Implementation of equality and diversity policies at UCL and in the NHS
Trainee Development and Sources of Support
- 32 - Sources of personal and professional support
- 33 - The role of the course tutor
- 34 - Developmental Review: format and content
Trainee Administration
Terms and Conditions of Trainee Employment
Professional and Legal Standards and Guidance
a) Health and Care Professions Council standards:
- Appendix 1: HCPC Standards of Proficiency
- Appendix 2: HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics
- Appendix 3: HCPC Standards of Continuing Professional Development
b) British Psychological Society
- Appendix 4: The BPS and Clinical Psychology Training
- Appendix 5: BPS Accreditation Criteria for Clinical Psychology Courses
- Appendix 6: BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Appendix 7: BPS Guidance on the Use of Social Media
Health and Safety at UCL
NHS Constitution