Table of Contents
A brief introduction to the course
Course Organisation
- 1 - Course Purpose, Values and Philosophy
- 2 - Clinical Psychology Staff
- 3 - Computing and Library Resources
- 4 – Course Committees
Teaching Programme
Guidance On Setting Up The Placement
- 7 - Placement Schedule
- 8 - Clinical Placement Guidelines and Contracts
- 9 – Template for all placement contracts
- 10 - Consulting with service-user/carer representatives and Interprofessional learning on placement
Procedures for Monitoring the Placement
- 11 - Assessing progression on placement over the three years of training
- 12 - Overview of Procedures for monitoring placements
- 13 - Content of the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) interview
- 14 – Overview of forms used by supervisors to evaluate placements
- 15 – End of placement review: guide to the content of supervisor and trainee feedback forms
- 16 - Clinical Portfolio
Research requirements
- 17 - The research component: an overview
- 18 - The Service Related Research Project
- 19 - The Major Research Project
Academic Assessments
Course Regulations and criteria for Passing and Failing each course component
- 22 – Programme regulations (assessment procedures and the role of the Board of Examines)
- 23 - Plagiarism
- 24 - Procedures for passing and failing examinations
- 25 - Procedures relating to passing and failing case reports and service related research report
- 26 - Procedures relating to passing and failing the major research component
- 27 - Procedures relating to passing and failing placements
Fitness to Practice procedures
- 28 - Procedure for the assessment of fitness to practise in a professional capacity for students on professional programmes at UCL
- 29 - Fitness to practice: guide for students
Appeals, Grievances and Complaints
- 30 – Complaints in relation to course procedure & complaints in relation to discrimination or harassment
- 31 - Implementation of equality and diversity policies at UCL and in the NHS
Trainee Development and Sources of Support
Course Tutor Role
Liaison with Service Users on the Course and Placement
Regulation and Registration: The Health Professions Council & the BPS
Trainee Administration
Terms and Conditions of Trainee Employment
Professional and Legal Standards and Guidance
a) Health and Care Professions Council (HPC)
- Appx 1 - Health Professions Council Standards of Proficiency
- Appx 2 - Health Professions Council Standards of Conduct
- Appx 3 - Health Professions Council Standards of Continuing Professional Development
b) British Psychological Society
- Appx 4 - BPS Accrediation Criteria for Clinical Psychology Courses
- Appx 5a - BPS Code of Ethics and conduct
- Appx 5b – BPS Ethics Committee guidance on use of social media
Health and Safety at UCL
NHS Constitution
BPS and Clinical Psychology Training
The Handbook is an online document. Individual chapters can be downloaded/printed as necessary