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Public engagement and policy|Entrepreneurship|Industry partnerships|Global partnerships|Climate change and London

UCL professor’s global epilepsy consortium wins award for COP26 campaign

The 1.5˚C Charter

Contributing to the UK Committee on Climate Change

Air pollution laws are falling short, reveals UN report

UCL Climate Action Unit

UCL and UN join forces to drive sustainability

UN report co-chaired by UCL academic warns of dangers to human health

£40 million Clean Growth Fund to supercharge green start-ups

UCL experts advise UK's Committee on Climate Change

Local government net zero innovation programme

Innovation for a European green transition

Working with cities towards mission-led clean growth

UCL GDI Hub brings disability innovation thinking to climate action

Developing models for net-zero building design

Creating a second life for electric vehicle batteries

Designing zero waste plastic packaging?

Supporting water security for London

Recycling coal mine waste into paint pigment

UCL academics co-develop green shipping initiative for banks

UCL and National Trust join forces to protect the Trust’s heritage sites for future generations

Energy efficiency of London buildings mapped in 3D by UCL researchers

Engaging primary schools in climate and health

Supporting Camden's Climate Citizen Assembly

Community Water Management for London

Creating clean air for Great Ormond Street Hospital

Partnering with Camden to create mission led renewal

Understanding Londoner's appetite for lower car ownership

UCL mapping project for a sustainable London expands around globe