Explore below:
Understanding climate change|The Anthropocene|Built environment and transport|Climate justice and governance|Sustainable energy solutions |Climate resilience and adaptation|Human health and climate change|Sustainable economics and finance

Fossil fuel phase-out is crucial to limit global warming

Winter winds blow Arctic sea ice into melt zone

UK needs to step up efforts to mitigate climate change

Landmark Arctic research expedition

Working with the Met Office on climate prediction

28 trillion tonnes of ice lost, in less than 30 years

Charting the changes to our ocean habitats

Arctic sea ice thinning faster than expected

The UCL Anthropocene Initiative

How To Save Our Planet: The Facts

Exploring the role of museums in tackling climate change

How is climate change affecting bumblebees?

Climate change could cause sudden biodiversity loss worldwide

The Effect of Climate Change on Coral Reefs

Rewilding essential to meet net zero

UCL researchers contribute to landmark climate lawsuit against Shell

Public Participation in a time of climate crisis

Fairer finance could speed up net zero for Africa by a decade

Ten-fold increase in carbon offset cost predicted

Examining the links between gender and climate change

A Legal Toolkit for the Paris Climate Commitments

Charting the societal implications of climate change

Climate Justice and Environmental Law

Carbon offset market needs radical reform

Farmer-led regenerative agriculture in Africa

Decarbonising London’s social housing

Podcast: Lifting living standards with low emissions

Unsustainable Arctic shipping risks accelerating damage to the Arctic environment

Mapping London's capacity for cycle lanes

Equitable Urban Planning in the Global South

Reducing CO2 emissions in the shipping industry

Accelerating electric vehicle performance

Making the UK's buildings carbon neutral

The Circular Cities Hub: How can cities become circular?

Helping the UK to have healthy and low carbon buildings

Exploring the role of driverless cars in a low carbon future

Making the UK's buildings carbon neutral

Linking climate, biodiversity and health

Lowering the carbon footprint of fabric and plastic manufacturing

New material engineered to capture carbon dioxide emissions

Human action in the face of climate change

Mapping how climate change influences migration

Strengthening Community Climate Resilience

Reimagining cities for climate resilience

Climate change, weather, and disasters

Opinion: Canada is a warning - more and more of the world will soon be too hot for humans

UCL research reveals rise in heat-related deaths linked to climate change

The impact of climate change on epilepsy

Cities for sustainability and health

Managing the health effects of climate change

Lessons from the pandemic to mitigate climate catastrophe

Adapting care homes to a changing climate

Is it possible to reduce emissions & have economic growth?

Climate change will negatively affect economies worldwide

British carbon tax led to 93% drop in coal-fired electricity

Multinational supply chains account for a fifth of global emissions

Are micro-investors driving a rise in solar energy?

A world first sustainability orientated tax system

Priming public sector finance for the green transition

Will $100 Billion Per Year Tackle Climate Change?