The IGP Launches Transforming Tomorrow Initiative: from Climate Emergency to Prosperity
22 September 2019

The IGP is delighted to announce its new initiative, ‘Transforming Tomorrow: from Climate Emergency to Prosperity’.
The Transforming Tomorrow Initiative’s stance is that current responses to climate change are entirely insufficient. To secure a safe climate, we need an emergency response that leads to multi-decade transformation. While there is finance and technology available to catalyse this transition, Transforming Tomorrow will focus on what is missing: the political will and cultural capacity to unlock humanity’s collective brilliance.
The Initiative will combine several strands: academic deliberations on what the plausible pathways are; curating inspiring efforts in the world that show how to generate social conditions required for urgent action toward a multi-decade shift; and provocative descriptions of the future that help decision-makers act differently.
Transforming Tomorrow’s aim is to be the knowledge co-production process that the world needs right now. It seeks to create networks and institutions that are ongoing vehicles for action and so will accelerate the global social process of moving beyond our current paralysis of will. We want to learn what needs to be done, how to do it, and who is doing it well. In doing so, we will empower more people and institutions to join the movement.
Transforming Tomorrow is headed by IGP Director Professor Henrietta L. Moore, Lead Scientist - and former UNEP Chief Scientist - Professor Jacqueline McGlade, and Research Fellow Justin Sacks. Justin brings to the team a strategic combination of experience in both research and entrepreneurship in sustainable development, and his work on sustainable procurement practice has been recognised by the UN as global best practice, whilst his 'Local Multiplier 3' economic model continues to influence procurement policy internationally. Justin holds degrees with honours from Yale University (Architecture) and the London School of Economics (Economic History).
Over the coming months, the Transforming Tomorrow team will be working towards an official launch, and will aim to create a global programme with regional hubs. The Initiative therefore needs great ideas, case studies, people and funding.
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