Research students
Evolutionary and Environmental Anthropology | Material Culture | Medical Anthropology | Social Anthropology
Evolutionary and Environmental Anthropology
Aalaa Al-Shamahi
Supervisor: Christophe Soligo
Nicole Barber
Phylogeny, form and function of primate tarsal bones
Supervisors: Christophe Soligo and Anjali Goswami (Natural History Museum)
Yuan Chen
Comparative study of social organisation and work burden in China
Supervisor: Ruth Mace
Sonia Dhanda
Roots, routes, and regulations: ayurvedic herbal trade in the UK
Supervisors: Emily Woodhouse, Lewis Daly and Alex Antonelli (Royal Botanic Gardens)
Erhao Ge
The evolution of religious celibacy
Supervisor: Ruth Mace
Laura Kor
Plant conservation in Colombia: Integrating ecological approaches and local knowledge for the protection of useful plant species
Supervisors: Katherine Homewood, Terry Dawson (King's College London), Mauricio Diazgranados (Royal Botanic Gardens)
Vittoria Roatti
Understanding constraints on horizontal and vertical information transmission in baboons: Implications for the evolution of culture
Supervisors: Volker Sommer and Alecia Carter
Gabriella Santini
Herder-lion entanglements in the Maasai Mara: An exploration of conservation
Supervisors: Emily Woodhouse and Sarah Durant
Kristen Steele
Eel fisheries from local to global: Drivers of exploitation and prospects for sustainability
Supervisors: Caroline Garaway and Katherine Homewood
Anna Westland
Intraspecific variation of cranial morphology in Hominoidea
Supervisors: Christophe Soligo and Aida Gomez-Robles
Material Culture
Maria Angel
Colombia’s digital orphans and childless parents: Maintaining sentiments across national borders
Supervisors: Susanne Küechler and Allen Abramson
Dan Artus
The epidemiology of truth: A multi-method ethnography of vaccination in the Republic of Ireland
Email: Hannah Knox, Aaron Parkhurst and Heidi Larson
Harshadha Balasubramanian
An anthropology of immersive media in Bristol, UK
Supervisors: Haidy Geismar and Eleanor Dare (Royal College of Art)
Dave Cook
Digital nomads and imagined worlds of work
Supervisors: Hannah Knox and Adam Drazin
Nicole Cristi
Situated ‘technologies’: Technical objects, technical systems and technical activities on the category of ‘tecnología’ on spaces of digital fabrication in the central valley of Chile
Supervisor: Ludovic Coupaye
G19, 14 Taviton Street
Elena Z. Dennie
Pnevma resonance: Performance art making in Athens, Greece
Supervisors: Ludovic Coupaye and Rafael Schacter
Chloe Dominique
Queer sex work(er): Identity as praxis
Supervisors: Ludovic Coupaye and Victor Buchli
Juan Forero Duarte
Citizenships of peace: An ethnographic study of digital education projects in post-conflict Colombia
Supervisors: Hannah Knox and Tone Walford
Jenia Gorbanenko
Space exploration in the Russian Orthodox Christian perspective
Supervisors: Victor Buchli and Timothy Carroll
Hui Lok Hang
Living with Butsudan: Finding care in Japanese homes
Supervisors: Adam Drazin and Rebecca Empson
Vincent Hasselbach
Archiving 1971: contemporary circulations of photography from the Bangladesh Liberation War
Supervisors: Rafael Schacter and Christopher Pinney
Sarica Robyn Balsari-Palsule
Occlusion and visibility: Visual representation and the Mumbai Parsi community
Supervisors: Christopher Pinney and Rafael Schacter
Alice Riddell
Citizen App and the Digital Panopticon: Lateral surveillance and live crime tracking in New York City neighbourhoods
Supervisors: Daniel Miller, Hannah Knox and Haidy Geismar
Julian Riveros Clavijo
A tale of development and Migration: a multi-sited digital ethnography of the mobilizations of Afro-Colombian from the Pacific Region to Chile
Supervisors: Hannah Knox and Lewis Daly
Camilla Sundwall
Material relationships: From industrial design to every day life
Supervisors: Susanne Küchler and Adam Drazin
Francisco Vergara
Andean rhythms. Time, practices and identities among Central Andean Mestizos
Supervisors: Chris Tilley and Ludovic Coupaye
Aliça Okumura-Zimmerlin
Anthropology of Outer-Space: Worlding at JAXA
Email: Victor Buchli, Aaron Parkhurst and Denis Vidal (EHESS/CNRS)
Medical Anthropology
Paula Bronson
Living with chronic pain in rural Nepal: a clinical ethnography on resilience
Supervisors: Joe Calabrese and Aaron Parkhurst
Ben Epstein
Disaster mental health: Research and practice in Japan
Supervisors: Aaron Parkhurst, Joe Calabrese and Roland Littlewood
Connie Jones
Communing with the spirit world: An Ethnographic study amongst contemporary spiritualists in the UK
Supervisors: Joanna Cook and Timothy Carroll
Maria Larrain
Untangling tongue-tie – cutting through the medicalisation of breastfeeding in the UK
Supervisors: Sahra Gibbon, Aaron Parkhurst and Charlotte Faircloth (IOE)
Xiaolin Li
The menstrual body reimagined: menstruation, digital period-tracking, and sexuality in China
Supervisors: Daniel Miller and Vivienne Lo
Rosie Mathers
Is there a physiological glass ceiling? A biosocial exploration of women, work, and health
Supervisors: Sahra Gibbon, Anne McMunn and Emily Emmott
Katrine Nohr
Maternal health and human rights
Supervisor: David Napier
Jarrard O'Brien
Intergenerational Impacts: How colonisation impacts experience of healthcare
Supervisors: Sahra Gibbon and Joseph Calabrese
Joseph Roman Tulasiewicz
Can't stop? Understanding internet addiction and its treatment
Supervisors: Joanna Cook and Tone Walford
Rebecca Williams
The limits of care: Justifiable forms of exclusion and neglect in English healthcare systems
Supervisors: Sahra Gibbon and James Wilson (Philosophy)
Social Anthropology
Charles Beach
Frontera combustible: Conceptualising sovereign powers through the experiences of petrol smugglers on Colombia's border with Venezuela
Supervisors: Lucia Michelutti and Rebecca Empson
Lindsay Bishop
Smoke, smell and skins: Hierarchy in heavy metal
Supervisors: Susanne Küchler, Allen Abramson and Titus Hjelm
Amy Buckley
The cultures political participation in UKIP (U.K. Independence Party). An Ethnographic exploration of English Nationalism in a coastal town in South East Essex
Supervisors: Lucia Michelutti and Ana Carolina Barreto Balthazar
Joseph Buckley
Linguistic Anthropology of Uzbekistan
Supervisor: Alexandra Pillen
Catherine Clarke
Conservation politics and Indigenous peoples’ rights in the Colombian Amazon: The negotiation and implementation of area-based conservation targets
Supervisors: Katherine Homewood and Lewis Daly
Yichao Du
Matter or not: Non-CPC political parties in contemporary China
Supervisors: Kimberly Chong and Lucia Michelutti
David Edgar
Good bodies: Affective economies of fitness in “pre-post-conflict” urban Colombia
Supervisors: Aaron Parkhurt, Miranda Sheild Johansson and Lucia Michelutti
Jen Logan
Preparing for life and death while awaiting the Second Coming: an intergenerational study of uncertainty and meaning-making in a Seventh-Day Adventist Theology College
Supervisors: Joanna Cook and Timothy Carroll
Fiacha O'Dowda
Ecologies of desire: Constituting life in the forests of North East Madagascar
Supervisors: Jerome Lewis and Ludovic Coupaye
Eric Orlowski
‘Moving too fast and breaking the wrong things?’ – Imagined futures, posthuman emergence, and risk thinking among proponents of human augmentation technologies in Sweden
Supervisors: Charles Stewart and Tone Walford
Andrew Sanger
Re-enchanting the Earth: Dance as an environmental practice in the United Kingdom
Supervisors: Hélène Neveu Kringelbach and Jerome Lewis
Sahib Singh
'We will not give our jal, jangal, zameen!' - Moral atmospheres of resistance and heterogenous ontologies in central India
Supervisors: Katherine Homewood and Lewis Daly
Hermione Spriggs
Traps as artworks and artworks as traps
Supervisors: Martin Holbraad and David Burrows (Slade School of Fine Art)
Rafael Fuentes Tarin
Calendars and power: Unravelling the political economy of Sikh timekeeping practices in Punjab
Supervisors: Lucia Michelutti and Charles Stewart
Rose Taylor
Contested spaces: Negotiating Native American artistic identity in Los Angeles
Supervisors: Haidy Geismar and Rafael Schacter
Campbell Thomson
Understanding Freedom Movement Activism in the United Kingdom
Supervisors: Charles Stewart and Rik Adriaans
Alice Vittoria
Contested forests in the Congo Basin: Logging, conservation and the BaYaka
Supervisors: Jerome Lewis and Lewis Daly
Haichao Wang
Beyond Huifang Jamaat: modernity and religiosity among Chinese Hui Muslims
Supervisors: Daniel Miller and Kimberly Chong
Kelsey Weber
Practices of belonging: Identity among Polish Tatar women
Supervisors: Ruth Mandel and Michał Murawski
Kellynn Wee
Dungeons and Dragons: Narrativity, contingency and play in Singapore and New Zealand
Supervisors: Daniel Miller and Haidy Geismar
Kunyu Xiang
Short video social media use in a Chinese county-level city undergoing urbanization
Supervisors: Daniel Miller and Rik Adriaans
Bo Yang
Symbiotic species, symbiotic relationships: Pursuing more-than-human liveability on the Tibetan Plateau
Supervisors: Lewis Daly and Emily Woodhouse