UCL Email: julian.clavijo.13@ucl.ac.uk
Year of start: 2019
Supervisors: Professor Hannah Knox, Dr Lewis Daly
Subject: Development and Migration
Fieldsite: South American Pacific – Colombia and Chile
PhD Research
A tale of development and Migration: a multi-sited digital ethnography of the mobilizations of Afro-Colombian from the Pacific Region to Chile.
Esta investigación se encuentra en la intersección entre la antropología del desarrollo y los estudios de migración. Pretendo entender que ha sucedido con la praxis de estar bien (desarrollo alternativo) de algunos pobladores Afrocolombianos del Pacífico tras su migración y asentamiento en Chile. Es una etnografía multisituada que se vale también de métodos digitales.
This research is at the cross paths between the anthropology of development and migration studies. I intend to understand what has happened to the praxis of well-being (Estar bien) of some Afrocolombians after their emigration and settlement in Chile. It is a multi-sited ethnography that leverages on digital methods.
Research interests
- Alternative Development and Postdevelopment
- Migration studies
- Digital ethnography
Presentations & Conferences
- American Sociological Association 110th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
- 366. Open Refereed Roundtable Session II Hilton Chicago. Table 3. Political Sociology II. Title:
- Transpolitics and Internet: Experiences of Colombians in London. Julian Andres Riveros-Clavijo.
Education History
- MSc. Digital Anthropology, UCL
- BSc. Sociology, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Honours, Awards & Funding
- Colfuturo Scholarship