
Academic Manual


Chapter 7: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment Framework

Chapter 7 is UCL’s regulatory framework for the approval, amendment, and suspension/withdrawal of taught academic programmes and modules including taught elements of research degrees.

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Part A: 
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Part B: 
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Chapter 7 Contents

Part A: Qualifications and Credit Framework

1. Introduction
2. The Qualifications of UCL
3. Framework Components

4. Types of Qualification
5. Level Descriptors
6. Threshold Qualification Requirements

Part B: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment

1. Introduction
2. Planning, Development and Approval of New Taught Programmes
3. Approval of New Modules
4. Programme Amendment
5. Module Amendment

6. Programme / Route Suspension or Withdrawal
7. Module Suspension or Withdrawal
8. The Curriculum Maintenance Cycle
9. Research Degrees

Forms and Further Guidance

Part A: Qualifications and Credit Framework

The Qualifications of UCL

Part B: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment

General Guidance

Approval of New Taught Programmes

Approval of New Modules

Programme Amendment

Module Amendment

Programme Withdrawal

Research Degree