
Academic Manual


Section 1: Introduction

Published for 2024-25

1. Introduction1.2 Reference Points
1.1 Purposes1.3 Terminology

1. Introduction

1.University College London (UCL) must operate effective processes for the design, development and approval of programmes of study in order to discharge fully its responsibilities for setting and maintaining academic standards and assuring and enhancing the quality of learning opportunities.
2.Queries about any part of this chapter should be directed to UCL's Academic Policy, Quality and Standards team at apqs@ucl.ac.uk.

1.1 Purposes

1.The main purposes of this chapter are to ensure that:
 a) Threshold academic standards are met through the approval and amendment processes;
 b) The appropriate quality of student learning opportunities are available for all taught provision;
 c) The information provided to students about their studies is complete with regard to programme structure and learning outcomes;
 d)The value of qualifications awarded to students at the point of qualification and over time is in line with sector-recognised standards;
 e) Due account is taken of internal and external reference points in the approval and amendment processes;
 f) Robust procedures are followed when modules or programmes are suspended or withdrawn;
 g) All new taught provision is viable financially, and in terms of student recruitment.

1.2 Reference Points

1.This chapter is drafted with reference to the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, and 1, and the Office for Students (OfS) Conditions of Registration, specifically Condition B1.
2.This chapter should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Academic Manual, in particular:
 a) Chapter 1: Recruitment and Admissions Framework
 b) Chapter 2: Student Support Framework
 c) Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programmes
 d)Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes
 e) Chapter 5: Research Degrees Framework
 f)Chapter 7, Part A: Qualifications and Credit Framework
 g)Chapter 8: Academic Partnerships Framework
3.This chapter should be read in conjunction with the Education Planning pages of the UCL Teaching and Learning portal.
4.The strategic context for taught provision can be found in the following documents:
 a) UCL 2034
 b) Education Strategy 2022-27
 c) Connected Curriculum

1.3 Terminology

1.Key to abbreviations
Key to abbreviations
DECDepartmental Education Committee
FHEQThe Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies
FPPCFinancial Performance and Planning Committee
FECFaculty Education Committee
PMAPProgramme and Module Approval Panel
PSRBProfessional, Statutory or Regulatory Body
QAAQuality Assurance Agency
SNPStudent Numbers Planning
2.Throughout this chapter, the term ‘Department’ is used to refer to relevant units below the Faculty level (e.g. Institute or Division).