
Academic Manual


Section 9: Research Degrees

Published for 2024-25

1.The programme approval processes detailed elsewhere in this chapter relate to taught programmes.
2.Research-only degrees (e.g. MPhil, PhD) must be approved by the Lead Department/Division and the Lead Faculty before submission for final approval by Research Degrees Committee.
3.Initiators of new research degree programmes should contact UCL's Academic Policy, Quality and Standards team at apqs@ucl.ac.uk in the first instance. 
4.For all new proposed doctorates, a Doctoral Programme Proposal Form (Annex 7.9.1) and Programme Summary (Research Programmes) (Annex 7.9.3) must be completed.
5If the Lead Department/Division is new, or has no existing doctoral programme, it must first meet the requirements to recruit and register doctoral students specified by Research Degrees Committee. A Recruitment of Research Students to Academic or Research Departments (Divisions/Institutes/Units) – Application Form (Annex 7.9.4) must be completed. 
6.For all new proposed MRes degrees, a Programme Proposal form (Annex 7.2.2) with the addition of the MRes Final Programme Proposal Appendix (Annex 7.9.2) must be completed.
7.Programme amendments should follow the procedure outlined in Section 4: Programme Amendment. Major amendments to research degrees are ultimately approved by Research Degrees Committee, rather than PAWG (on behalf of PMAP). However, major amendments to the taught elements of the programme will need PAWG approval prior to submission to Research Degrees Committee.