Governance and Policies
Institutional Strategy
UCL’s Institutional Strategy - UCL 2034 and 2022-2027 Strategic Plan - sets out a clear vision for UCL, with sustainability embedded throughout.
Sustainability Policy
UCL has a Sustainability Policy that sets out its high-level sustainability objectives. This Policy has been signed off by UCL President and Provost Dr Michael Spence AC and is reviewed annually by the Sustainability Committee as part of the annual ESMS Management Review.
- Download the (doc).
Sustainability Strategy
This policy is supported by a Sustainability Strategy, that sets out how UCL will achieve these objectives in more detail. Specific areas of operation, such as carbon, construction and refurbishment, biodiversity, food, and travel also have dedicated policies and plans.
Environmental Sustainability Management System (ESMS)
UCL's Sustainability Strategy is implemented through the development, delivery and continuous improvement of the ESMS of which we have gained certification under ISO14001.
Further to our environmental commitments, UCL has also developed an Energy Management System (EnMS) which is certified against the ISO50001 standard in an integrated standard with the ESMS. This EnMS helps UCL to reduce our energy consumption and help us achieve our goal of being a sustainable campus.
- More about the Environmental Sustainability Management System.
Sustainability Governance Structure
UCL takes its environmental commitments extremely seriously. Therefore sponsorship, leadership and resource allocation for reducing UCL's environmental impacts are provided by the Provost and the Council through the University Management Committee (UMC).
UCL's sustainability report is also reviewed annually by UMC.
- More about the University Management Committee (UMC).
The Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee has been established to oversee the development and management of UCL's approach to sustainability. In particular, the delivery of the Sustainability Strategy and the Sustainable Finance Framework.
The committee is the forum for all key stakeholder representations (including students) to meet, review and agree key sustainability initiatives, propose, targets and monitor performance.
The Sustainability Committee is a sub-committee to the UCL Operations Committee.
- Sustainability Committee members
- Chair: Professor Mark Emberton, Dean, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London.
- Secretariat: Richard Jackson (Sustainability Director, UCL).
Represented Divisions
- Jeremy Barraud - Director of Governance & Delivery, OVPRIGE.
- TBC - VP Office Education.
- TBC - UCL Communications.
- Sonia Virdee - Strategic Planning.
- Tom Crummey - Director of IT service and operations, ISD.
- Ian Galloway - Commercial Director, Procurement.
- Katie Leach - Management Accountant, UCL Finance.
- Mike Sheppard - Director, Campus Infrastructure & Operations.
- Neil Turvey - Assistant Director, Estates Development.
- Helen Fisher - UCL East Operations Lead.
- TBC - Student Registry Services.
- Charles Marson - Head of Human Resources, HR.
- Chris Connew - Head of Advancement, OVPA.
- Andrea Hodgetts - Head of Strategic Partnerships, OVPH.
- TBC - Faculty Director of Operations.
- John Draper - Lead Green Champion, Faculty of Brain Sciences.
Wider influence
- Alan Coker (Trade Union Representative).
- Osman Teklies (Students Union Sustainability Officer).
Student representation
UCL has a number of formal committees. Membership of many of the Committee includes student representation:
- Council – Student representation is provided by the Sustainability, Engagement and Operations Officer of the UCL Union.
- Estates Management Committee - Student representation is provided by Students' Union Affairs Officer.
- Education Committee - Student representation is provided by Students' Union Education Officer, Students' Union Equity Officer and Students' Union Postgraduate Officer.
- Finance Committee – Student representation is provided by the Sustainability, Engagement and Operations Officer.
- Investment Committee – Student representation is provided by the Sustainability, Engagement and Operations Officer.
- Operations Committee - Student representation is provided by one nominated student member by the Students' Union.
Related links
- Full list of formal committees and reporting lines.
- Committee Terms of Reference (doc).
- Responsibilities of the Committee Chair (doc).
Department and staff responsibilities
Departments are responsible for ensuring they have adequate arrangements for environmental management in their own area.
Every member of UCL staff has a responsibility to carry out their duties in a resource-efficient way and actively support UCL’s Sustainability Strategy, policies and objectives within the remit of their role.
Business partners
Each Faculty or Professional Service Division has been allocated a Sustainability Business Partner from the Sustainable UCL team to support them in embedding sustainability into their area of work.
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