
UCL 2034


UCL 2034: a 20-year strategy for UCL

Update: UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27

UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 cover
UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 sets out our whole-university priorities for the next five years, focusing effort and investment on a programme of change to support our 2034 vision and mission.

Go to ucl.ac.uk/strategic-plan-2022-27

UCL 2023: Review of 2022

UCL Portico with yellow trees (drone view)
This review showcases a cross-section of the extraordinary work of our community over 2022, and celebrates the huge variety and impact of our activity across and between disciplines.

2022 was a year of challenges, including the effects of climate change taking hold across the globe, the cost of living crisis here in the UK and abroad, continued geopolitical instability, including the war in Ukraine, and of course the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. But our students and staff have nevertheless made huge contributions.

Find out more, go to ucl.ac.uk/annual-review

Learn more about our 2034 strategy and goals

UCL Portico: Our vision

Our distinctive approach to research, education and innovation will further inspire our community of staff, students and partners to transform how the world is understood, how knowledge is created and shared and the way that global problems are solved.

UCL Portico: Our mission

London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the wider world and committed to changing it for the better; recognised for our radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate our education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity.

UCL Portico: Principal themes
Principal themes

1. Academic leadership
2. Integration of research and education
3. Addressing global challenges
4. Accessible and publicly engaged
5. London’s Global University
6. Delivering global impact

Go to Principal themes

UCL Portico: Key enablers
Key enablers

1. Best student support
2. Valuing our staff
3. Financing our ambitions
4. Excellent systems
5. Sustainable estate
6. Communicating and engaging

Go to Key enablers

UCL Portico: Founding principles
Founding principles

This strategy is formulated within the context of our proud history and our values.

Go to Founding principles