Coming to university with a pre-existing mental health condition
1 December 2020
For information on coming to university with a pre-existing mental health condition, take a look at this article from UCL's psychological support staff.

If you have been suffering from anxiety or depression for 6 months or more, or have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, personality disorder, or any other long-term mental health condition, here's what you should do when you come to UCL:
1. Let UCL’s disability support staff know that you have an existing psychological or mental health condition, so that reasonable adjustments can be made, enabling you to study as effectively as possible. This might include setting up mentoring or organising special examination arrangements for you. If you have not yet pre-enrolled and wish to let us know about an existing psychological or mental health condition, you should contact us via email. If you have pre-enrolled already then you can contact us via our student enquiries system, askUCL.
You can complete an Applicant Support Questionnaire or ASQ to tell us more about your support requirements and we will get in contact with you to discuss your needs further. The ASQ can be found under the Student Disability Service tab on Portico.
2. Ask your existing psychological/mental health provider to refer you to a similar service in London in order to minimise the length of time you have to wait for support after starting college.
3. Factor the cost of private therapy into your budget if it looks like you will have to wait for an NHS referral or will need ongoing psychological support while at college.
4. Register with a GP as soon as you have an address in London, especially if you are taking prescription medication or will need to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis while at university.
UCL Student Support and Wellbeing also offers a counselling service, led by trained psychologists. For more information on this, please see our website on psychological support or contact us via askUCL. If you have not yet pre-enrolled and wish to let us know about an existing psychological or mental health condition, you should contact us via email.
5. Pick up a Sunflower Lanyard if you have an invisble disability. If you have an invisible disability, you can pick up a Sunflower lanyard to discreetly indicate that you have an invisible disability and may require additional support or assistance.
Last revised: 8 September 2021.
UCL Student Support and Wellbeing