UCL provides travel insurance for all students who undertake a period of study abroad as part of their degree programme. Find out what you're covered for and what else you might need to arrange.
UCL Travel Insurance
Having fully comprehensive travel insurance to cover all eventualities is a prerequisite for studying abroad. All undergraduate students who undertake a period of study abroad as part of their UCL degree programme will be covered by UCL's insurers AIG and the cost of the insurance policy will be met by UCL. If you are undertaking a work placement during your year abroad, you may be required to purchase additional insuance. Please check with your employer for further details.
Before your placement begins, you will be provided with instructions on how to generate your policy cover note. The policy cover note contains information about what you are covered for and how to access help in case of an emergency. Please read UCL Insurance FAQs to find out what you're covered for and how to make a claim if you need to.
If you are a UCL student currently abroad and require emergency medical or travel assistance, please contact AIG's emergency service on +44 (0) 1273 456 463