


Clone of Ronan McCoy

Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about me.

Student Adviser Ronan
What I do

Hi! I’m Ronan. I am the Student Adviser for the Faculty of Medical Sciences. I am here for you as a key point of contact during the first year of your undergraduate studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters. 

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment


Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, I will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below.

Term 1: September 25th - December 15th 2023

Mindfulness is the simple practice of using deep breathing and a grounding technique to help us to take a breath and to step back from the busyiness in our (internal and external) lives. Backed by a significant body of research, this practice is effective in helping to regulate mood, increase motivation and focus, help with sleep, and manage anxiety. This weekly session is on Teams and those who join are asked to turn their microphones and cameras off, so there is no pressure on anyone. 5 minute practice, with a total of 10 minutes put aside for the session. Check it out and learn a crucial life skill!

MASKULINITY; BREAKING BARRIERS EVENT - 21ST NOVEMBER @ 19:00  -  Part of UCL's Guide to Thrive Week (20-24th November)

Come along to our two hour in person Maskulinity event taking place in the Jeremy Bentham Room, WC1E 6BT. This event will take a second look at Male Mental Health this Movember, with presentations from 4 guest speakers and space for safe discussion about this, often difficult to access, topic. Refreshments will be provided.


Workshop looking at some tips re preparation for exams and looking after your-self during exam times. This is also space for questions and discussion of what works best for you and other students. This session is on MS Teams - linked above.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

Mindfulness is the simple practice of using deep breathing and a grounding technique to help us to take a breath and to step back from the busyiness in our (internal and external) lives. Backed by a significant body of research, this practice is effective in helping to regulate mood, increase motivation and focus, help with sleep, and manage anxiety. This weekly session is on Teams and those who join are asked to turn their microphones and cameras off, so there is no pressure on anyone. 5 minute practice, with a total of 10 minutes put aside for the session. Check it out and learn a crucial life skill!

Beat the January Blues - JANUARY GAINS - 24TH JANUARY @ 12-2PM (DROP IN)

Feel prepared for the year ahead with our top tips, support and advice on a range of areas, including careers in life sciences, volunteering, housing, money management, time-management, supporting your mental health, and more! Happening in Room 731, IOE Building, 20 Bedford Way. For catering purposes, please register your interest here.



Workshop looking at some tips re preparation for exams and looking after your-self during exam times. This is also space for questions and discussion of what works best for you and other students. This session is on MS Teams - linked above.


More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

More information coming soon.

Who am I?

About Ronan

What was your experience of further or higher education like?

I loved my time in uni but that wasn't because it was easy. It was a whirlwind time of anxieties and pressures. I loved it because I got really involved in uni life (e.g. socs) and was surrounded by good people. 

Who or what made the biggest positive impact on you when you were studying? And how did they support you?

Stephen Fry once said that uni education is what happens between lectures. I loved what I studied and the academics were amazing, but I was shaped most by classmates and friends.  

What working achievements or initiatives are you most proud of?

When I worked in the Irish Parliament, I had an important amendment added to a bill that made a big difference to the lives of people who were struggling. I'm very proud of that, but the moments I'm most proud of are those of one-on-one support I've been able to give to some people who were struggling to stay above water. 

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

I've changed so much; I don't think I would have anything to say to my younger self. I'd probably tell him it's ok to not know things; it's ok to be human. 

What would it surprise people to know about you?

Hmm... I once broke curfew during a coup in Lesotho (southern Africa) to move 40 kids across town in 2 vans. We weren't shot.