



The Digital Communications team connects colleagues from VPEE and ISD, ensuring everyone involved in delivery is united in driving the best digital experiences for users.

post-its brainstorming
A new team structure is now in place where team leader, Samantha Fanning (Head of Digital, VPEE and ISD), works across VPEE and ISD, bringing synergy in the way colleagues from Digital Comms and Digital Presence work together. 

This has enabled fully collaborative ways of working when delivering on digital products and campaigns, including content strategy and management, UX research, and design and development tasks.

Similarly, the team is working in synergy with digital communications professionals across the universities by providing guidance and sharing best practice. 

Find out more below about how we work and the support available to create that seamless digital experience we want for our staff, students and all our audiences. If you can't find an answer to your query, please contact us at digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk



Websites managed by the team

We create content for a number of UCL websites and work with staff and students to source relevant information. The sites and pages we manage include: 

Requesting a website correction / update

For website updates, please contact digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk.

For updates to the degree programme content / online Prospectuses , please contact vpee.marcommspublications@ucl.ac.uk .

Featuring my programme on main UCL homepage

UCL homepage at ucl.ac.uk is largely dynamically generated, filtering content from various sections of the UCL websites through a number of components - hero video, hero call to action, breakthrough stories feed, news stories feed, video carousel, people features, Instagram, SoundCloud, and Twitter feeds.

To discuss how your programme / project can be featured on the homepage through one or several of these components, please contact digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk with details of your request. 

Best practice for building effective websites

For advice and assistance on creating, developing and maintaining effective UCL websites, visit the Digital Experience Sharepoint site.

If you have a specific query, please contact us at digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk.

Quality and analytics for my site - GA and SiteImprove

For analytics only, find out more on how to access Google Analytics for your website. For quality control and analytics, the SiteImprove solution is available to website owners.

Guidance is available on how to best use UTM tagging for paid and non-paid activities. We are now also implementing a Gecko form script which allows to more accurately measure the source of conversions through UTM tagging. Download the UTM tagging guidance PDF (click to request access) or contact CAM.AD@ucl.ac.uk for more details. 


Video and audio

Guidance on creating video and audio materials

We can work with staff and students to identify and tell compelling video and audio stories that aim to encourage a range of external audiences to get involved with UCL.

If you want to ensure your video or audio fits in within UCL wider campaigns and thus maximise its reach, contact us at digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk.

For everything there is to know about podcasting at UCL, check our new Podcasting Guide.

Video and audio recorded from home

With the rise of homeworking during the Covid-19 crisis, we've developed a short and practical Good Video Guide.

Brand guidelines and data protection for photo/video materials

When creating audio and video materials, please refer to the UCL's brand  guidelines, including video branding.

When filming, please also ensure that all participants fill in the UCL Filming and Photography consent form. The data is held by UCL Data Protection (can be contacted at data-protection@ucl.ac.uk if needed). 

Assistance with creation of audio and video materials

With regards to the actual recording of video and audio stories (of an event, lecture or for training/educational purposes), please contact UCL Educational Media.

In addition, CAM and Procurement have worked with stakeholders across UCL to identify the best suppliers of creative services - including recommended and approved external suppliers of video services

For everything there is to know about podcasting at UCL, check our new Podcasting Guide.

For more info, contact us direct (digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk).

Central UCL audio and video channels

We manage the following video and audio channels. We are also the main content creators for them:

Taking part in existing podcast series (Made at UCL, UCL Minds)

To discuss ideas and options to take part in Podcast series such as Made at UCL or UCL Minds, contact podcasts@ucl.ac.uk.

Also, for everything there is to know about podcasting at UCL, check our new Podcasting Guide.



Digital signage

For full details on the digital screens and creating content for the screens, visit UCL Brand digital screen guidance.

Getting content onto a screen at UCL

Firstly, you will need to find out who the local content manager is for the screens you would like to display content on. You can do this by emailing digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk

If you already have content ready, you will be able to submit this to your local content manager.

Templates for creating screen content

Download the following templates depending on whether the screens you have in mind are in a portrait or landscape position

Portrait template, pptx *(for use in the Student Centre and Libraries)

Landscape template, pptx

Drag and drop your imagery and text onto this template

Export file as a PNG (or MP4 if this includes animation) and send this to your local content manager

Best practice for creating screen content

When creating new content, please consider the following:

  • Slides will only be shown for approx. 7 seconds each in the rotation of different content.
  • Make sure the image you choose has sufficient contrast with the banner colour in the top right corner so the UCL letters are legible
  • Make sure the image you choose has some copy space – an area of less detail, where the font colour you choose has sufficient contrast to be legible
  • Adjust the title text size to fit your headline length. If it drops below 24pt though consider rewriting to make it more punchy
  • Try to include a Call To Action in your content
  • Include a website link where available
  • Include important dates where applicable
Recommended dimensions for screen content

Portrait screens: 1080x1920

Landscape screens: 1920x1080

Access to manage screens in my department/building

Please email daroapps-support@ucl.ac.uk stating which screen(s) you need access to.

This may fall under a particular building, department or faculty. If you are unsure which folder your screen(s) sit under on the OneLan CMS, please check this by emailing digitalcommunications@ucl.ac.uk.

Uploading screen content

If you have been granted access to the relevant screens, you should be able to sign in to the OneLan CMS via digital-signage.ucl.ac.uk/signin 

Use your UCL login and you should see the folders that contain content for your screens via Media > Files & Folders

You can either drag and drop your content into the folder, or once in the folder, select Upload Files

New screens request and support with existing screens

You can contact the ISD service desk:


If you have a local support team, they will be able to assist you:

