
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Space Plasma Physics

MSSL's Space Plasma Physics Group undertakes cutting edge research into naturally-occurring plasmas found throughout the heliosphere.

The Space Plasma Physics group at MSSL is a leading, internationally-recognised research group studying the physical interactions between the Sun, the heliosphere and the Earth and the fundamental physics of the space plasmas within these systems.

This includes the physics of plasmas constituting the fast-flowing (several 100’s km/s) solar wind emanating from the Sun, the interaction between this solar wind and the Earth's magnetic environment, the magnetosphere, that leads to phenomena such as the Northern Lights and Space Weather.  We research into the plasma processes occurring within the magnetosphere, such as formation of the radiation belts. Overall our research ranges from the fundamental physics governing matter in the plasma state to the system-level interactions between the solar wind and the Earth, as well as understanding the risks to technology and life.

To accomplish our research goals, we design, build and operate space plasma detectors on a range of missions.  For example, MSSL-built instruments are on the currently operating ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission and the 4 ESA Cluster spacecraft, which have recently completed a 24-year operational mission. The group has a history of mission proposal and definition, design and build of plasma instrumentation for international space exploration missions selected by various space agencies, working with spacecraft contractors to integrate these instruments.  In the post-launch phase, we actively operate these instruments and analyse data returned from our instruments, in collaboration with other mission instrument teams and scientists around the world.

The group has been heavily involved in the 4-spacecraft ESA Cluster mission which was turned off following the re-entry into Earth atmosphere of one of the spacecraft in September 2024.  At that point the mission, and all 8 of the MSSL PEACE electron spectrometers (PI Prof Andrew N Fazakerley), had been operating almost continuously and returning a wealth of unique science data for 24 years. 

In addition, we are currently operating the SWA suite of sensors (PI Prof Christopher J Owen) on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission, on behalf of an international consortium who provided the sensors.  A number of our post-doctoral and PhD researchers are engaged in analysis of SWA data, particularly that from the Electron Analyser System (EAS) for which the design and build were led by UCL/MSSL. 

Thus much of our current research involves exploiting our data from the Cluster and Solar Orbiter missions, in conjunction with other relevant instruments, missions and facilities.  As part of this we also provide operational support and data processing for these missions and ESA's Cluster and Solar Orbiter Archives.

We have a number of PhD opportunities each academic year for students to study some of the many aspects of space plasmas.

NASA's Van Allen Probes flying through the radiation belts. Credit: NASA


We are active in a number of areas of Space Plasmas Research, driven by our current and future participation in international space science missions for which we have, or will provide instrument hardware.

ESA Solar Orbiter facing the Sun. Credit: ESA/NASA

Missions / Projects

The Space Plasma Physics group at MSSL has a long history of involvement in space missions making in-situ observations of the solar wind, our magnetosphere and the near-Earth space environment.



Find out about our research through our latest and prior publications

Seminar at MSSL


Information on past and future group seminars and meetings

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Space Plasma Outreach:
Beginners guide to space plasma physics
Public Engagement 

Space Plasma Meetings:
All Meetings
Seminar Series

Head of Space Plasma Physics
Dr. Daniel Verscharen
+44 1483 204 951
d.verscharen [at] ucl.ac.uk