
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


External Speaker Seminars

Organisers: Dr. Jesse Coburn ( j.coburn [at] ucl.ac.uk )  &  Dr. Natalia Zambrano Prado ( n.prado [at] ucl.ac.uk ) 

If you are interested in giving a seminar on any space plasma physics related topic at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory please contact Jesse or Natalia.

Past Talks

17th December 2024George Ho

Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA

Suprathermal Particle Measurements with Solar Orbiter

27th November 2024Matteo ZuinInstitute for Plasma Science and Technology, CNR & Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy Plasmas in the laboratory: basic phenomena of possible interest for the solar and astrophysical plasma communities
26th November 2024Michaela MooneyUniversity of LeicesterPlasma Observations in the Magnetotail under Northward IMF
16th October 2024Peter WyperDurham University, UKHow could interchange reconnection be linked to switchbacks in the solar wind?
19th June 2024Sandra ChapmanUniversity of Warwick, UKMultiscale, nonlinear solar system plasmas- from theory and from the data
4th June 2024Steve SchwartzImperial College, UKEnergy partition (aka "equation of state") at collisionless shocks
20th March 2024Pauline SimonQueen Mary University of London, UKStudies of turbulence in the solar wind: fundamental impact of pressure anisotropy on the heating rate and predictability of the fluctuations for space weather forecasts 
28th February 2024Enrico CamporealeQueen Mary University London, UK and Using Data-Driven Discovery of Fokker-Planck Equation for the Earth's Radiation Belts Electrons Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
1st February 2024Sam WaltonUniversity of California, Berkeley, USACharacterizing Electrons Below Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt
24th January 2024Naïs FargetteImperial College, UKMagnetic reconnection : from studying energy partition at electron scales to evaluating its impact in the solar wind
21st November 2023Sophia Zomerdijk-RussellImperial College, UKMagnetospheric Dynamics Driven by the Solar Wind at Mercury
23rd October 2023Matteo ZuinInstitute for Plasma Science and Technology, CNR, Italy. Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy.The physics of magnetically confined fusion plasmas in the reversed-field pinch configuration
25th October 2023Luca Sorriso-ValvoCNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RicercheScaling Laws for the Energy Transfer in Space Plasma Turbulence
19th/20th September 2023Viviane PierrardRoyal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy,  Belgium Université Catholique de LouvainAcceleration of the solar wind by electric field due to suprathermal electrons
12th September 2023JeffersonDartmouth College, NH, USAExploring the effect of turbulent fluctuations on the onset of reconnection
19th July 2023Heli HeitalaQueen Mary University London, UKShock generated transient structures and their effects on planetary environments
13th June 2023Harriet TurnerUniversity of Reading, UKSolar wind data assimilation in an operational context: Use of near-real-time data and the forecast value of an L5 monitor.
7th June 2023Ben AltermanSouthWest Research Institute, Texas, USAFrom Kinetics to the Solar Cycle: Probing the Sun and Heliospheric Processes Using In Situ Observations
31st May 2023Joe WestlakeJohns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryTitan’s upper atmospheric ion dynamics and other related and non-related musings
23rd May 2023Domenico TrottaImperial College, UKAre the average shock properties the properties of the average shock?
15th March 2023Luca FranciImperial College, UKObservation-driven simulations of turbulence, magnetic reconnection, and particle heating in space plasmas and the new box-in-box technique
7th February 2023Alfredo MiceraUniversity of Bochum, GermanyModelling kinetic processes in the solar wind
19th December 2022 Dr George HoJHU/APL Energetic and Suprathermal Particle Measurement at the Inner Heliosphere
15th June 2022Dr Laura HayesESA Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares
8th June 2022Dr Stepan StverakInstitute of Atmospheric Physics and Astronomical Institute CAS in Prague Photoelectron effects observed in EAS measurements on board Solar Orbiter spacecraft
6th June 2022 Dr Hans HuybrighsKhalifa University (UAE) Detecting Europa’s water plumes using energetic protons
12th May 2021 Dr Licia Ray University of Lancaster A Holistic Approach to M-I Coupling at Jupiter (and Saturn)
29th  April 2021 Dr Megan Maunder University of Exeter Multi-Spacecraft Observations of a New Double-Shock Type of High-Latitude ICME
29th January 2021 Dr Sam Badman University of California, Berkeley Connecting Parker Solar Probe to the Sun : Global Coronal Modelling and Solar Wind Source Predictions
25th August 2020 Dr Natalia Zambrano Prado Université Paris-Saclay Measuring changes in the elemental composition of the solar corona with SPICE, the EUV spectrometer on-board Solar Orbiter
9th June 2020 Dr Diana Morosan Helsinki University The nature and origin of moving solar radio bursts associated with coronal mass ejections on the Sun
2nd June 2020 Dr Ryan Milligan Queens University Belfast Lyman-alpha Variability During Solar Flares
21st April 2020 Prof Stuart Bale University of California, Berkeley The streamer belt below 30 Rs: some early results from PSP Encounter 4
 Dr Tadhg Garton Using Neural Networks to Identify Reconnection Related Structures in Saturn's Magnetosphere
9th March 2020Dr Clare WattUniversity of ReadingEarth's Radiation Belts: the kinetic plasma physics of killer electrons
13th February 2020Dr Philippe EscoubetESA/ESTECCluster Highlights in Preparation for SMILE
31st January 2020Prof Chris LintottUniversity of OxfordFrom Galaxy Zoo to LSST: Citizen Science in the age of big data
28th November 2019Dr Jennifer CarterUniversity of LeicesterFinding our SMILE: from an X-ray astronomer's headache to imaging the Earth's magnetopause
4th November 2019Dr Ramiz QuidsiUniversity of DelawareA Statistical Comparison Between Proton Microinstabilities and Nonlinear Effects in Space Plasmas
30th September 2019Dr Andrew KavanaghBritish Antarctic SurveyEISCAT? The past, present and glorious future
19th August 2019Dr Andrew DimmockSwedish Institute of Space PhysicsSpace weather research at IRF Uppsala
12 August 2019Prof. Sandra ChapmanUniversity of Warwick'Data analytics’ approaches to space weather
9th August 2019Prof. Quanqi ShiShandong UniversityObservations of Magnetic holes in near Earth space: from MHD to kinetic scale
10 June 2019Joe EggingtonImperial College LondonMagnetopause Reconnection and its Ionospheric Signatures in Global Magnetospheric Simulations
09 May 2019Dr Sarah BentleyUniversity of ReadingTowards a probabilistic model of Earth’s radiation belts: the uncertainty in ultra-low frequency plasma waves
16 April 2019Dr John CoxonUniversity of SouthamptonTemporal behaviour of Birkeland currents in AMPERE
19 March 2019Dr Maria-Theresia WalachLancaster UniversityTime variability in high-latitude ionospheric convection at Earth.
30 January 2019Dr Luca FranciQueen Mary University of LondonHybrid Simulations of Plasma Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind: Comparison with In-situ Observations.
22 January 2019Dr Kristopher KleinUniversity of ArizonaThermodynamics far from Equilibrium: Studying Plasma Heating and Instabilities in the Solar Wind.
29 November 2018Samuel WhartonUniversity of LeicesterThe Resonant Response of the Magnetosphere to Changing Geomagnetic Conditions
09 October 2018Dr Thomas ElsdenUniversity of St AndrewsMagnetospheric Field Line Resonances in 3D
08 October 2018Dr Ferdinand PlaschkeSpace Research Institute, GrazJets in the Magnetosheath: Origin, Evolution, and Impact
17 September 2018David StansbyImperial College LondonPreparing to re-visit the inner heliosphere
22 August 2018Dr Imogen GingellImperial College LondonInstrument-induced production of negative hydrogen ions under solar wind bombardment
10 July 2018Prof. Benjamin Chandran University of New HampshireAlfvén-Wave Turbulence and the Origin of the Solar Wind
29 June 2018Dr. George LivadiotisSouthwest Research InstituteKappa Distributions: Theory and Applications in Space Plasmas
23 May 2018Dr. Robert BurstonUniversity of BathPlanets, Plasmoids, Leaky Taps, Springs and Chaos 
8 May 2018Dr. Christopher ChenQueen Mary University of LondonTurbulence and Heating in the Solar Wind 
1 May 2018Dr. Chadi SalemSSL, UC BerkeleyCombining Radio Receivers and Electrostatic Analyzers for Accurate Measurements of Solar Wind Electrons: WIND Observations
25 January 2018Dr. Owen RobertsESA ESTECThe solar wind power spectrum observed from Cluster: insights in three dimensions and at sub ion scales
22 October 2015Prof. Gerhard HaerendelMax Planck Institute for  Extraterrestrial PhysicsCurrent sheet avalanche and substorm breakup
25 August 2015Dr. Luke BarnardUniversity of ReadingSolar Stormwatch CME Catalogue
28 July 2015 Prof. Ken McCrackenUniversity of MarylandThe temporal variability of the cosmic radiation, solar activity, and the heliospheric magnetic field over the past 10,000 years
22 April 2015Dr. Laurence Billingham British Geological SurveyThe British Geological Survey Geomagnetism Team
18 March 2015Dr. Heli HietalaImperial College LondonUnravelling the solar wind drivers of the storm-time radiation belt response
24 February 2015Nathan Pilkington  University College LondonHow does Plasma Shape Saturn's Magnetosphere? 
18 February 2015Dr. Robert FearUniversity of SouthamptonObservational tests of flux transfer event structure
 29 January 2015Dr. Mick DentonLancaster UniversityA new empirical model of ion and electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit
9 October 2014David MilesUniversity of AlbertaNext- Generation Fluxgate Magnetometry at the University of Alberta
7 October 2014Dr. Hanna DahlgrenRoyal Institute of 
Technology KTH/ University of Southampton 
Energy and flux characteristics of dynamic fine scale aurora
20 August 2014Prof. Ian Mann University of AlbertaThe Impacts of Ultra Low Frequency Waves on the Dynamics of the Earth’s Van Allen Belts
14 August 2014Dr. Andrew Walsh  ESACAutomatic Georeferencing of Astronaut Auroral Photography: Providing A New Dataset for Space Physics 
6 June 2014Dr. Lorenzo Matteini Imperial College London  Kinetic Processes in the Solar Wind
12 May 2014Prof. Michael Balikhin University of Sheffield System Approach to Solar-Terrestrial Physics: Advance in Physical Understanding and Space Weather Forcast
7 April 2014John Coxon University of Leicester The Birkeland current system and its place in the expanding/contracting polar cap paradigm
18 March 2014Dr. Catriona Jackman University of Southampton Dynamics of the magnetotails of Jupiter and Saturn from magnetic field and plasma flow measurements
10 October 2013 Dr. David Knudsen University of CalgaryThermal Ion Imaging and its Role on Swarm and the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe Satellites 
07 June 2011Dr. Jonathan EastwoodImperial CollegeCluster observations of magnetic reconnection and the ion diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail
20 April 2011Prof. E. Dubinin Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), GermanyInduced magnetospheres at Mars and Venus: Open questions
01 February 2011Dr. Craig LeffMSSL ExoMars PanCam Project ManagerA review of MER surface operations, with implications for MSL and ExoMars
13 October 2010Dr. Yasir SoobiahSwedish Institute for Space Physics, Kiruna, SwedenThe search for Martian aurora signatures in MEX ASPERA-3 IMA observations
20 September 2010Prof. Rajmal JainPhysical Research Laboratory, AhmedabadIndian missions to study solar and interplanetary plasma