Organisers: Dr. Jesse Coburn ( j.coburn [at] ) & Dr. Natalia Zambrano Prado ( n.prado [at] )
If you are interested in giving a seminar on any space plasma physics related topic at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory please contact Jesse or Natalia.
Past Talks
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title |
17th December 2024 | George Ho | Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, USA | Suprathermal Particle Measurements with Solar Orbiter |
27th November 2024 | Matteo Zuin | Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, CNR & Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy | Plasmas in the laboratory: basic phenomena of possible interest for the solar and astrophysical plasma communities |
26th November 2024 | Michaela Mooney | University of Leicester | Plasma Observations in the Magnetotail under Northward IMF |
16th October 2024 | Peter Wyper | Durham University, UK | How could interchange reconnection be linked to switchbacks in the solar wind? |
19th June 2024 | Sandra Chapman | University of Warwick, UK | Multiscale, nonlinear solar system plasmas- from theory and from the data |
4th June 2024 | Steve Schwartz | Imperial College, UK | Energy partition (aka "equation of state") at collisionless shocks |
20th March 2024 | Pauline Simon | Queen Mary University of London, UK | Studies of turbulence in the solar wind: fundamental impact of pressure anisotropy on the heating rate and predictability of the fluctuations for space weather forecasts |
28th February 2024 | Enrico Camporeale | Queen Mary University London, UK and | Using Data-Driven Discovery of Fokker-Planck Equation for the Earth's Radiation Belts Electrons Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks |
1st February 2024 | Sam Walton | University of California, Berkeley, USA | Characterizing Electrons Below Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt |
24th January 2024 | Naïs Fargette | Imperial College, UK | Magnetic reconnection : from studying energy partition at electron scales to evaluating its impact in the solar wind |
21st November 2023 | Sophia Zomerdijk-Russell | Imperial College, UK | Magnetospheric Dynamics Driven by the Solar Wind at Mercury |
23rd October 2023 | Matteo Zuin | Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, CNR, Italy. Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy. | The physics of magnetically confined fusion plasmas in the reversed-field pinch configuration |
25th October 2023 | Luca Sorriso-Valvo | CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Scaling Laws for the Energy Transfer in Space Plasma Turbulence |
19th/20th September 2023 | Viviane Pierrard | Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain | Acceleration of the solar wind by electric field due to suprathermal electrons |
12th September 2023 | Jefferson | Dartmouth College, NH, USA | Exploring the effect of turbulent fluctuations on the onset of reconnection |
19th July 2023 | Heli Heitala | Queen Mary University London, UK | Shock generated transient structures and their effects on planetary environments |
13th June 2023 | Harriet Turner | University of Reading, UK | Solar wind data assimilation in an operational context: Use of near-real-time data and the forecast value of an L5 monitor. |
7th June 2023 | Ben Alterman | SouthWest Research Institute, Texas, USA | From Kinetics to the Solar Cycle: Probing the Sun and Heliospheric Processes Using In Situ Observations |
31st May 2023 | Joe Westlake | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | Titan’s upper atmospheric ion dynamics and other related and non-related musings |
23rd May 2023 | Domenico Trotta | Imperial College, UK | Are the average shock properties the properties of the average shock? |
15th March 2023 | Luca Franci | Imperial College, UK | Observation-driven simulations of turbulence, magnetic reconnection, and particle heating in space plasmas and the new box-in-box technique |
7th February 2023 | Alfredo Micera | University of Bochum, Germany | Modelling kinetic processes in the solar wind |
19th December 2022 | Dr George Ho | JHU/APL | Energetic and Suprathermal Particle Measurement at the Inner Heliosphere |
15th June 2022 | Dr Laura Hayes | ESA | Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares |
8th June 2022 | Dr Stepan Stverak | Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Astronomical Institute CAS in Prague | Photoelectron effects observed in EAS measurements on board Solar Orbiter spacecraft |
6th June 2022 | Dr Hans Huybrighs | Khalifa University (UAE) | Detecting Europa’s water plumes using energetic protons |
12th May 2021 | Dr Licia Ray | University of Lancaster | A Holistic Approach to M-I Coupling at Jupiter (and Saturn) |
29th April 2021 | Dr Megan Maunder | University of Exeter | Multi-Spacecraft Observations of a New Double-Shock Type of High-Latitude ICME |
29th January 2021 | Dr Sam Badman | University of California, Berkeley | Connecting Parker Solar Probe to the Sun : Global Coronal Modelling and Solar Wind Source Predictions |
25th August 2020 | Dr Natalia Zambrano Prado | Université Paris-Saclay | Measuring changes in the elemental composition of the solar corona with SPICE, the EUV spectrometer on-board Solar Orbiter |
9th June 2020 | Dr Diana Morosan | Helsinki University | The nature and origin of moving solar radio bursts associated with coronal mass ejections on the Sun |
2nd June 2020 | Dr Ryan Milligan | Queens University Belfast | Lyman-alpha Variability During Solar Flares |
21st April 2020 | Prof Stuart Bale | University of California, Berkeley | The streamer belt below 30 Rs: some early results from PSP Encounter 4 |
Dr Tadhg Garton | Using Neural Networks to Identify Reconnection Related Structures in Saturn's Magnetosphere | ||
9th March 2020 | Dr Clare Watt | University of Reading | Earth's Radiation Belts: the kinetic plasma physics of killer electrons |
13th February 2020 | Dr Philippe Escoubet | ESA/ESTEC | Cluster Highlights in Preparation for SMILE |
31st January 2020 | Prof Chris Lintott | University of Oxford | From Galaxy Zoo to LSST: Citizen Science in the age of big data |
28th November 2019 | Dr Jennifer Carter | University of Leicester | Finding our SMILE: from an X-ray astronomer's headache to imaging the Earth's magnetopause |
4th November 2019 | Dr Ramiz Quidsi | University of Delaware | A Statistical Comparison Between Proton Microinstabilities and Nonlinear Effects in Space Plasmas |
30th September 2019 | Dr Andrew Kavanagh | British Antarctic Survey | EISCAT? The past, present and glorious future |
19th August 2019 | Dr Andrew Dimmock | Swedish Institute of Space Physics | Space weather research at IRF Uppsala |
12 August 2019 | Prof. Sandra Chapman | University of Warwick | 'Data analytics’ approaches to space weather |
9th August 2019 | Prof. Quanqi Shi | Shandong University | Observations of Magnetic holes in near Earth space: from MHD to kinetic scale |
10 June 2019 | Joe Eggington | Imperial College London | Magnetopause Reconnection and its Ionospheric Signatures in Global Magnetospheric Simulations |
09 May 2019 | Dr Sarah Bentley | University of Reading | Towards a probabilistic model of Earth’s radiation belts: the uncertainty in ultra-low frequency plasma waves |
16 April 2019 | Dr John Coxon | University of Southampton | Temporal behaviour of Birkeland currents in AMPERE |
19 March 2019 | Dr Maria-Theresia Walach | Lancaster University | Time variability in high-latitude ionospheric convection at Earth. |
30 January 2019 | Dr Luca Franci | Queen Mary University of London | Hybrid Simulations of Plasma Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind: Comparison with In-situ Observations. |
22 January 2019 | Dr Kristopher Klein | University of Arizona | Thermodynamics far from Equilibrium: Studying Plasma Heating and Instabilities in the Solar Wind. |
29 November 2018 | Samuel Wharton | University of Leicester | The Resonant Response of the Magnetosphere to Changing Geomagnetic Conditions |
09 October 2018 | Dr Thomas Elsden | University of St Andrews | Magnetospheric Field Line Resonances in 3D |
08 October 2018 | Dr Ferdinand Plaschke | Space Research Institute, Graz | Jets in the Magnetosheath: Origin, Evolution, and Impact |
17 September 2018 | David Stansby | Imperial College London | Preparing to re-visit the inner heliosphere |
22 August 2018 | Dr Imogen Gingell | Imperial College London | Instrument-induced production of negative hydrogen ions under solar wind bombardment |
10 July 2018 | Prof. Benjamin Chandran | University of New Hampshire | Alfvén-Wave Turbulence and the Origin of the Solar Wind |
29 June 2018 | Dr. George Livadiotis | Southwest Research Institute | Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications in Space Plasmas |
23 May 2018 | Dr. Robert Burston | University of Bath | Planets, Plasmoids, Leaky Taps, Springs and Chaos |
8 May 2018 | Dr. Christopher Chen | Queen Mary University of London | Turbulence and Heating in the Solar Wind |
1 May 2018 | Dr. Chadi Salem | SSL, UC Berkeley | Combining Radio Receivers and Electrostatic Analyzers for Accurate Measurements of Solar Wind Electrons: WIND Observations |
25 January 2018 | Dr. Owen Roberts | ESA ESTEC | The solar wind power spectrum observed from Cluster: insights in three dimensions and at sub ion scales |
22 October 2015 | Prof. Gerhard Haerendel | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics | Current sheet avalanche and substorm breakup |
25 August 2015 | Dr. Luke Barnard | University of Reading | Solar Stormwatch CME Catalogue |
28 July 2015 | Prof. Ken McCracken | University of Maryland | The temporal variability of the cosmic radiation, solar activity, and the heliospheric magnetic field over the past 10,000 years |
22 April 2015 | Dr. Laurence Billingham | British Geological Survey | The British Geological Survey Geomagnetism Team |
18 March 2015 | Dr. Heli Hietala | Imperial College London | Unravelling the solar wind drivers of the storm-time radiation belt response |
24 February 2015 | Nathan Pilkington | University College London | How does Plasma Shape Saturn's Magnetosphere? |
18 February 2015 | Dr. Robert Fear | University of Southampton | Observational tests of flux transfer event structure |
29 January 2015 | Dr. Mick Denton | Lancaster University | A new empirical model of ion and electron fluxes at geosynchronous orbit |
9 October 2014 | David Miles | University of Alberta | Next- Generation Fluxgate Magnetometry at the University of Alberta |
7 October 2014 | Dr. Hanna Dahlgren | Royal Institute of Technology KTH/ University of Southampton | Energy and flux characteristics of dynamic fine scale aurora |
20 August 2014 | Prof. Ian Mann | University of Alberta | The Impacts of Ultra Low Frequency Waves on the Dynamics of the Earth’s Van Allen Belts |
14 August 2014 | Dr. Andrew Walsh | ESAC | Automatic Georeferencing of Astronaut Auroral Photography: Providing A New Dataset for Space Physics |
6 June 2014 | Dr. Lorenzo Matteini | Imperial College London | Kinetic Processes in the Solar Wind |
12 May 2014 | Prof. Michael Balikhin | University of Sheffield | System Approach to Solar-Terrestrial Physics: Advance in Physical Understanding and Space Weather Forcast |
7 April 2014 | John Coxon | University of Leicester | The Birkeland current system and its place in the expanding/contracting polar cap paradigm |
18 March 2014 | Dr. Catriona Jackman | University of Southampton | Dynamics of the magnetotails of Jupiter and Saturn from magnetic field and plasma flow measurements |
10 October 2013 | Dr. David Knudsen | University of Calgary | Thermal Ion Imaging and its Role on Swarm and the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe Satellites |
07 June 2011 | Dr. Jonathan Eastwood | Imperial College | Cluster observations of magnetic reconnection and the ion diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail |
20 April 2011 | Prof. E. Dubinin | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Germany | Induced magnetospheres at Mars and Venus: Open questions |
01 February 2011 | Dr. Craig Leff | MSSL ExoMars PanCam Project Manager | A review of MER surface operations, with implications for MSL and ExoMars |
13 October 2010 | Dr. Yasir Soobiah | Swedish Institute for Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden | The search for Martian aurora signatures in MEX ASPERA-3 IMA observations |
20 September 2010 | Prof. Rajmal Jain | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad | Indian missions to study solar and interplanetary plasma |