
IOE Student Helpdesk


Examination Irregularities and Plagiarism Procedure

UCL students are expected to be aware of and adhere to UCL's referencing and examination requirements as a condition of their enrolment:

For examinations, the UCL Examination Guide for Candidates is published annually on the Examinations and Awards website. All candidates for written examinations must ensure they are familiar with the requirements for conduct in examinations set out in this guide.

For coursework submissions, students must ensure that they are familiar with the UCL Library Guide to References, Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism which provides detailed guidance about UCL's referencing and citation requirements. Students should also ensure that they are familiar with the specific referencing requirements of their discipline.

UCL will use plagiarism detection software to scan coursework for evidence of plagiarism against billions of sources worldwide (websites, journals etc. as well as work previously submitted to UCL and other universities). Most departments will require students to submit work electronically via these systems and ask students to declare that submissions are the work of the student alone.

Any student suspected of examination misconduct, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, falsification, contract cheating, ghost writing (paying and/or instructing someone to write an assignment for you) or any other form of academic misconduct which is likely to give an unfair advantage to the candidate and/or affect the security of assessment and/ or compromise the academic integrity of UCL will be investigated under the Examination Irregularities and Plagiarism procedures. If misconduct is found, students are likely to be failed for that assignment and/ or module. Serious or repeated offences may lead to failure of the whole year, suspension or even expulsion. A breach of copyright or intellectual property laws may also lead to legal action.

Further information:

Library Guide to References, Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism

Academic Manual Chapter 6, Section 9: Examination Irregularities and Plagiarism Procedure


Students can also seek advice from the Students' Union Advice Service

The Academic Writing Centre can provide further support and guidance concerning good academic practice and how to avoid plagiarism.