
UCL Career Frameworks


Communications and Marketing

There are six job families in the Communications and Marketing practice area: Event Management, Internal Communications, Leadership Level, Social Media, Student Recruitment and Web Content Management.

Find out more about these job families, view the career pathways within them and read career case studies from colleagues across UCL.

staff looking at a computer screen

Web Content Management

Gain an understanding of web content management including SEO and user experience.  

People talking in a meeting booth

Social Media

Gain an expert understanding of social media, an emerging area of expertise at UCL.                   

2 people looking at a camera

Internal Communications

Ensure our staff and students are delighted with their UCL experience.                                   

Two people looking at a booklet

Student Recruitment

Focus on communications and marketing actively to support the prospective student journey.

Woman taking picture with a camera

Event Management

Plan UCL events from project management to developing the event.                                    

UCL portico

CAM Leadership Level

Likely to be achieved by people who have experienced a range of roles.