
UCL Human Resources



Secondments are open to all UCL employees and can support your career development; you can view the current opportunities below.

Anyone wishing to apply for a secondment should discuss the possible secondment with their existing line manager before applying.

Employees who are applying for a secondment as a redeployee, must indicate their redeployment status on their application form and will be given priority over other internal candidates after interview stage, if they meet the essential criteria (or could do so with reasonable training).

Changes to the advertisement of secondments

TalentLink has replaced ROME as the single location for all secondment, accelerate to leadership, and other job opportunities at UCL.  Having all of our opportunities in one place, supported by a much-improved candidate experience, means you will never miss out on finding out about new job openings at UCL. Visit Search UCL Jobs and filter by “available for secondment” for a full view of secondment specific positions and leave the filter off to see all available positions.

If you would like to take advantage of our amazing internal talent by advertising a role for secondment, log into TalentLink to create a vacancy and choose the secondment period.

View the UCL Jobs site for secondment, accelerate to leadership, permanent and fixed-term vacancies. 

UCL Jobs site