Harmonising module feedback pilot launched at June UCL Education Committee
17 September 2019
Other business included Here to succeed student attendance-monitoring, student protection plan and changes to interruption of study process.
Here to succeed
The Here to Succeed project aims to implement a UCL-wide attendance monitoring solution. EdCom was asked to provide feedback on associated policy changes and particularly the possibility of removing the 70% attendance requirement. Overall there was broad support for this approach, provided that robust alternatives were put in place to ensure that students experiencing difficulties were identified in a timely manner and helped to get back on track. However, it was felt that there was not enough time to implement for 2019/20 and further discussions will take place during 2019/20.
Student protection plan
EdCom approved an updated version of the Student Protection Plan for 2019-20. The publication of the plan was a condition of registration with the Office for Students. The plan sets out UCL’s approach to the closure of any aspect of its facilities or academic provision which could have an adverse effect on the interests of current or prospective students. The update ensures alignment with the new Student Terms and Conditions which were in development.
Harmonising module evaluation
A pilot to test a new harmonised approach to module evaluation was approved. The project team had consulted each faculty on their requirements and had explored the pros and cons of centralised versus local question-setting. It proposed five core questions – three on a likert scale and two free-text – which were aligned to the NSS and PTES, and the development of a bank of additional questions for departments to choose from. EdCom welcomed this important development and noted that it would provide a valuable tool in understanding NSS and PTES outcomes.
Interruption of study
The Interruptions of Study Task group had drafted proposals to improve the interruption of study process by simplifying the approval process for straightforward interruptions, replacing the practice of backdated interruptions with deferrals through the Extenuating Circumstances procedure, allowing interruptions for final year students on flexible modular programmes, establishing standard return dates and improving support for students returning to study.
The new process encourages students to seek support from their department, Student Support and Wellbeing or the SU Advice Service if they needed help completing forms and finding evidence. The proposals were approved, but it has subsequently been agreed to delay full implementation until the student system is able to support the process. In the meantime updated guidance and an improved form will be made available.
Updates to academic manual for 2019-20
- Chapter 2: Qualifications and Credit Framework
- Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programmes
- Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes
- Chapter 6: Student Casework Framework