To ensure fairness and maintain academic standards, a single set of academic regulations was introduced for all UCL taught programmes in the new Credit and Assessment Framework for 2018-19.
UCL Education Committee approved an updated Qualifications and Credit Framework and a new Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes for 2018-19.
A priority of UCL's Education Strategy 2016-21 is to ensure that our regulations and enhancement programme supports staff to develop and make use of a variety of forms of assessment. The new regulations underpin this aim and have been developed through a two-year review of our academic regulations, involving wide consultation with staff and students. In particular, Student Academic Representatives have been instrumental to the process: many of the changes have been made in response to student feedback.
The assessment framework has been developed using a set of overarching principles (outlined in the Academic Manual), including:
- assessment is integral to learning and teaching and must develop students’ knowledge and understanding as well as measuring attainment;
- assessment should align with the objectives of the Connected Curriculum and ensure that all UCL students are able to learn through participating in research and enquiry at all levels of their programme.
A summary of what the framework introduces
The framework is valid for 2018-19 onwards. Overall, the changes introduce:
- standardised calculations, a more consistent approach to the formulae used to combine marks;
- a single set of regulations for all programmes governing undergraduate progression and award requirements, including condonement at the first attempt;
- new algorithms for undergraduate classification;
- multiple improvements to the regulations for taught postgraduate and graduate programmes, in response to student and staff consultation;
- removal of derogations, although some approved variations are allowed within defined parameters.
The majority of changes apply to all taught students who are fully enrolled on the 2018-19 academic session, with the exception of undergraduate classification, where the changes will be phased in.
Where to get further information about the changes
Further information about these and other changes is available from the Academic Manual Recent Changes page.
You can also read more:
- Taught Postgraduate (PGT) teaching: important changes to assessment for 2018-19
- Undergraduate teaching: important changes to assessment for 2018-19