


Staying Safe in London

Sophie, our resident Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Adviser, will share her top tips on how to stay safe in London.

Book onto the Tuesday Staying Safe in London Talk

Tuesday 21st November 2023, 10.30am-11.30am (Haldane Room, Wilkins Main Building)

Book onto the Thursday Staying Safe in London Talk

Thursday 23rd November 2023, 9.30am-10.30am (Haldane Room, Wilkins Main Building)

Keeping yourself and others safe at UCL

To thrive at UCL, we know that you need to be safe and, just as importantly, to feel safe. The Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Office have put this session together to cover the main topics of personal safety on campus and in London. 

This session will ensure you can flourish at UCL without any concerns about your safety or the safety of your things. We will provide simple advice to stay safe so that you can concentrate on the important things, such as your studies and having a fantastic time at UCL!