


Apply now for Student Finance for 20/21 and 21/22

6 May 2021

Picture of £10 and £20 notes

It’s been a strange year for everyone. If your circumstances have changed and you haven’t got your Student Finance entitlement sorted out for the current academic year – don’t panic – it’s not too late! Students can apply for their funding up to 9 months after the start of the academic year. So if the academic year for your course started between 1st August and 31st December 2020 you have until 31st May 2021 to apply for Student Finance. Go to https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-student-finance for information about how to apply.

If you are an undergraduate student receiving Student Finance, your maintenance loan entitlement is usually based on the taxable income of your household for the last complete tax year. If your household income has dropped by at least 15% compared to previous years, you may be entitled to a larger maintenance loan. Contact Student Finance and ask for a Current Year Income assessment. They will look at your actual household income for this year and will reassess your entitlement. More information about the Current Year Income assessment is on our webpages. If your household income changes, this might also affect your entitlement to the UCL Undergraduate Bursary. This is free money from UCL which you won’t have to pay back.

There is also lots of other useful information about how your Student Finance work during your study, such as if you have any changes to your circumstances.  So if you are considering interrupting, or repeating a year of study, make sure you understand how this will affect your funding entitlement.

Are you going to be studying at UCL next year? Student Finance applications are now open for continuing students. Apply now to make sure your funding is in place for the start of term.

It can be difficult to understand how your Student Finance entitlement works. The Student Funding Advisory team is here to help with any complex funding queries. Contact us via askUCL to set up an appointment.