


Staying well at home

If you have to stay at home, it is important to stay mentally and physically well. This page provides advice and resources to help you look after yourself during this period.

Stay organised  

It is important to adjust to your temporary situation by managing your time effectively. While it may be tempting to chill out and get started on a Netflix marathon, it is important to create a routine for yourself. This can help to provide structure to your time and separate different commitments like studying, preparing for university, working, and relaxing.  

Some people will find it useful to create a schedule blocking out periods of the day for certain tasks and activities. Time management or timetabling apps or websites may be useful for this.  

Remember that although you may be alone, it doesn’t mean you are on your own. It’s important to stay in contact with your support network of friends and family and you can do this through video and audio calls. You might want to catch up or do an activity together.

Stay entertained 

The days might start to get a bit more mundane as time goes on, but there is plenty out there to keep you entertained. Vice has compiled a list of activities you might want to start with. You can always get crafty, watch a documentary on something you've never heard of before or discover some new music.   

Take a virtual museum tour and explore a wide range of global museums’ amazing collections. You could explore the British Museum’s collection, travel over to the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, and then to the Guggenheim, New York – all from the comfort of your own room.

Stay in the loop   

Podcasts can provide a sense of inclusion and belonging, as well as keep you up-to-date and informed across a huge range of topics. At UCL, we have curated our own range of podcasts, or you could check out BBC Sounds for music and talk shows.  

Similarly, news platforms are great sources of interesting podcasts: The GuardianHuffPost, The New York Times, and The Atlantic are great sources of diverse and wide-ranging podcasts across many topics.  

Stay well   

Make sure to keep your body and brain active, even from the comfort of your room. To keep your body moving even in a small space, you could try out some online yoga, fitness classes, or pilates. There are many sites and organisations offering both free and paid-for classes, you could start with the NHS Fitness Studio.   

Your mind is just as important as your body, and UCL is here to support you with your mental health and wellbeing. If you are struggling, you can get support from our advisers through a same-day appointment. In addition, UCL Student Support and Wellbeing Services have compiled a wide range of resources to support your mental health and wellbeing, including digital resources and apps. 

There are also many resources from UK charities with expertise in mental health. Try the following websites for a wide range of online resources and advice:  


The UK mental health charity Mind provides resources on how to cope with periods of isolation or quarantine. 

Visit the Mind website.  

Student Minds

The charity Student Minds provides support and resources for those with existing health conditions, struggling with social distancing or having experienced xenophobia. 

Visit Student Minds.  

The Mix

UK charity The Mix provides free, confidential support for under-25s online, via social media channels and mobile.  

Visit The Mix website.  

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK has created many resources and advice to support those with anxiety.  

Visit the Anxiety UK website.  


OCD-UK has put together advice for those with OCD amid COVID-19.  

Visit the OCD-UK website.  


The UK's eating disorder charity, Beat, has advice for those with eating disorders and COVID-19. 

Visit the Beat website.  

Every Mind Matters

The National Health Service (NHS) has developed Every Mind Matters, providing extensive information about looking after your mental health and wellbeing.  

Visit the Every Mind Matters Website. 

Stay aware  

UCL has extensive information and guidance on living safely with respiratory infections including COVID-19.

Find out more about UCL’s response, and access resources and information.

The UK Government website provides up-to-date information and advice on respiratory infections including COVID-19.   

Read the guidelines from GOV.UK.