This page provides practical advice for UCL students currently undertaking an Erasmus+ placement.
- What will happen to my Erasmus+ grant now that we have left the EU?
The Erasmus+ programme runs in seven-year cycles in line with the EU’s seven year Multiannual Financial Frameworks. The UK participated in the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 programme as a member of the EU and throughout the transition period. The withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU then secured all approved funding under the 2014-2020 Erasmus+ programme for the full duration of projects, or the run-down of fund – whichever comes first - including where projects run beyond 2020 and the end of the transition period. UCL has extended the lifetime of its current Erasmus+ project to May 31, 2023. This means that UCL can continue to support students undertaking Erasmus+ activities during 2021-22 via use of our existing Erasmus+ funds.
The options guide has been updated to confirm the options available for the 2021-22 academic year.
- What is the Turing Scheme?
As a result of the Brexit process the UK is no longer participating in the Erasmus+ exchange scheme. The UK Government has launched a new £110m Turing Scheme designed to offer global mobility opportunities for 35,000 students from UK schools, colleges and universities.
"The Turing Scheme is the UK Government's scheme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world."
Universities that wish to participate in the new scheme apply for funding to the Turing Scheme directly. UCL has submitted an application to the scheme. Universities will receive the results of their applications in late summer. Where successful, funding will then be administered by universities to students directly.
Where applicable, students will then be provided information about the Turing Scheme and any available funding via their UCL email, their department, and the Study Abroad webpages.
For more information about the Turing Scheme please see the scheme’s website here.
- Will I still have the option to work on my year abroad? (SELCS and BASc only)
Work placements are currently available as a year abroad option both inside and outside the Erasmus+ programme. We do not expect this to change, however will update this page with any new information as it develops.
- Will the UK’s exit from the EU affect the places I can go on my year abroad?
Students should be aware that Brexit, and the decision not to participate in the new Erasmus+ programme, may have an impact on the range of placements available for study and work in Europe in 2022/23 and beyond. The University cannot guarantee that all our existing European partners will continue to host UCL students and it is expected that some partnerships will change.
For student exchange to take place, an inter-institutional agreement must be negotiated with each of our partner institutions as the legal basis for exchange. We are working closely with our European partners to reiterate our commitment to exchange and to agree the terms and arrangements under which future exchange can continue beyond Erasmus+. This work is ongoing. An updated list of our European partners for 2022/23 will be confirmed when the UCL Study Abroad options guide is published in October 2021 .
More generally, the University’s portfolio of exchange opportunities – both inside and outside Europe - is reviewed on an annual basis. As such, exchange partners and placements available to students from specific UCL departments are subject to change each academic year.
UCL operates its diverse and far-reaching range of study abroad opportunities based on reciprocity. As such, we agree a set number of exchange placements with our partner institutions per academic year that we can fill. These numbers fluctuate annually and where institutions are open to students from more than one UCL department, demand exceeds the number of placements on offer. We encourage students to apply with an open mind and select up to three institution choices when applying for semester and year abroad.
The options guide has been updated to confirm the options available for students going abroad in 2021-22 academic year.
- Will I need a visa to do my placement in Europe?
You should however keep up to date via the GOV.UK Living In Country Guides website.